The Conversation

Funding for Basic Research has Future Payoffs
August 9, 2018

Funding for Basic Research has Future Payoffs

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The US Professoriat and the Limits of Free Speech
May 9, 2018

The US Professoriat and the Limits of Free Speech

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The ‘Odyssey’ of Today’s Leadership Crisis
April 25, 2018

The ‘Odyssey’ of Today’s Leadership Crisis

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The Gender Pay Gap Persists at Canadian Universities
April 5, 2018

The Gender Pay Gap Persists at Canadian Universities

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What Exactly is ‘Psychographics’?

What Exactly is ‘Psychographics’?

Cambridge Analytica’s approach to crunching social media data represents a step change in how analytics can today be used as a tool to generate insights – and to exert influence.

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Will Cambridge Analytica Hurt Legitimate Research?

Will Cambridge Analytica Hurt Legitimate Research?

It is right to believe that researchers and their employers value research integrity, says Annabel Latham. But instances where trust has been betrayed by an academic – even if it’s the case that data used for university research purposes wasn’t caught in the crossfire – will have a negative impact on whether participants will continue to trust researchers.

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Scientists in Need of Arts Training

Scientists in Need of Arts Training

How can universities train our scientists, technologists and engineers to engage with society rather than perform as cogs in the engine of economic development? Author Richard Lachman asks for educational system to require STEM students to take art and humanities courses, not as an attempt to “broaden minds” but as a necessary discussion of morals, ethics and responsibility.

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Report Offers Guidelines for Ethics of Technology Design

Report Offers Guidelines for Ethics of Technology Design

The big questions posed by our digital future sit at the intersection of technology and ethics. This is complex territory that requires input from experts in many different fields, including the social sciences, if we are to navigate it successfully. A new report makes an effort to give a first draft of that necessary input.

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In Australia, Publicly Funded Research Must Soon Prove Its Impact

In Australia, Publicly Funded Research Must Soon Prove Its Impact

Starting in 2018, Australian universities will be required to prove their research provides concrete benefits for taxpayers and the government, who fund it.

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Canadian Policymakers, Please Follow Naylor Recommendations You Asked For

Canadian Policymakers, Please Follow Naylor Recommendations You Asked For

It is time, argues Andrew Craig, for the Canadian government to demonstrate they are moving ahead with all recommendations from the Naylor report — Canada’s Fundamental science review — to return balance and support Canadian science in all its wonderful diversity.

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Do Universities Emphasize STEM Too Much?

Do Universities Emphasize STEM Too Much?

STEM programs are critical components of universities’ curricular and research missions, but so, too, notes Paul Axelrod, are the liberal arts. And these programs should not be marginalized in market-driven, academic prioritization schemes.

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Trick or Treat: It’s a Behavioral Scientist at the Door!

Trick or Treat: It’s a Behavioral Scientist at the Door!

While Halloween is always an exciting time for candy manufacturers, costume sellers and youngsters who are often allowed a small binge in candy consumption, a different group of people also lick their lips in anticipation — behavioral scientists.

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