The Conversation

Inane Criticism of ‘Absurd’ Research Leaves No One the Wiser
Academic Funding
August 26, 2016

Inane Criticism of ‘Absurd’ Research Leaves No One the Wiser

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Free Advice: Do Some Homework Before Ridiculing Research
Academic Funding
August 22, 2016

Free Advice: Do Some Homework Before Ridiculing Research

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University Decolonization: More Than Mere Iconoclasm
Higher Education Reform
August 18, 2016

University Decolonization: More Than Mere Iconoclasm

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Tapping the Value of Positive Psychology
August 17, 2016

Tapping the Value of Positive Psychology

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Does Competition Make Peer Review More Unfair?

Does Competition Make Peer Review More Unfair?

Researchers decided to conduct behavioral testing on competition and the process of peer review. What they learned offers some prescriptions for improving peer review going forward.

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Is It Genre – or Valence and Depth – You Like About a Tune?

Is It Genre – or Valence and Depth – You Like About a Tune?

Sorting music by genre often says more about the sorter than it does about the tune. A new system developed by an interdisciplinary team has come up with a three-dimension test for determining what someone will like apart from the label.

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The Challenge of Regulating Research to Avoid Fraud

The Challenge of Regulating Research to Avoid Fraud

The more brazen the willingness to commit academic fraud, the harder it becomes to prevent, suggests Ian Freckelton. So while there is a role for codes of conduct or even criminal courts, finding ways to push temptation to deceive even further out of mind will likeley prove even more successful.

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If We Scrap Tenure, What Would Replace It?

If We Scrap Tenure, What Would Replace It?

Universities need faculty who are dedicated to teaching, but the most persuasive argument in support of tenure – its role in protecting academic freedom– has come to be too narrowly associated with research.

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What Does an Anthropologist Actually Do?

What Does an Anthropologist Actually Do?

Anthropologists use ethnographic methods designed to facilitate their competency in another culture to understand what people do, think, feel and say that might seem strange to an outsider but are completely familiar to an insider. But what does that mean in practice?

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Universities Need to Escape the Trap of Competition

Universities Need to Escape the Trap of Competition

There is a modern-day notion that competition will solve all problems, says Rajani Naidoo, and higher education can get trapped in a kind of magical thinking that makes a fetish out of competition.

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Major Study Asks, What Academic Subject Pays Best?

Major Study Asks, What Academic Subject Pays Best?

A new survey in England examines the career outcomes of recent university leavers. For maximum pay, it helps to be a student of economics — and to be male.

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In Research, Engagement Is Not the Same As Impact

In Research, Engagement Is Not the Same As Impact

Sage 903 Impact

As governments seek practical metrics for determining if their research funding is money wisely spent, the quest for ‘impact’ takes on great importance. Drawing from the Australian experience, Stephen Taylor addresses several key measurement principles.

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