The Conversation

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, Consider Research Ethics
International Debate
March 19, 2015

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, Consider Research Ethics

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Treating Science as Politics Does No One Any Favors
March 17, 2015

Treating Science as Politics Does No One Any Favors

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Young Scholars Fear for the University of Their Future
Higher Education Reform
March 12, 2015

Young Scholars Fear for the University of Their Future

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Is It Time to Say Goodbye to a Fickle Friend, the P Value?
March 11, 2015

Is It Time to Say Goodbye to a Fickle Friend, the P Value?

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Science Communication in the Age of Polarization

Science Communication in the Age of Polarization

A study of members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science finds their politically homogeneous environment on and off the job seems to play a primary role in how they form judgments about policy issues and whether, or how, they choose to engage the public.

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Taking a Stick to Ethics Boards

Taking a Stick to Ethics Boards

Writing about her experiences in Australia, Gigi Foster wonders if ethics boards are more interested in ticking the necessary boxes and not upholding the standards that supposedly underlie the boards’ existence.

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Picking a Descriptor Also Picks a Gender

Picking a Descriptor Also Picks a Gender

A recent data-mapping project reveals that women professors are consistently more likely to be described as feisty, bossy, aggressive, shrill, condescending, rude — and nice.

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So You Wanna Be a YouTube Star? Here’s Some Tips

So You Wanna Be a YouTube Star? Here’s Some Tips

Have you thought about trying public outreach with your research by starring in or making videos for online viewership? Here’s some handy tips on presenting your social science Gangnam style.

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Let’s Play Fantasy Football for Big Thinkers

Let’s Play Fantasy Football for Big Thinkers

If you were to make up a fantasy football team for, say an intellectual Premier League, which thinks from Socrates forward might be among your picks?

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If Only MOOCs Could Add an eHarmony Component

If Only MOOCs Could Add an eHarmony Component

We go to school for an education, not a mate. But if you don’t find a mate at school, you are not getting as much return out of the experience as you can. Which brings us, in a new Danish study, to one issue with online classes …

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Shine a Light on Academic Journals’ Dark Arts

Shine a Light on Academic Journals’ Dark Arts

When McDonald’s came under sustained criticism from campaigners in the 1980s, the company responded by constructing a carefully crafted image of corporate […]

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The Tyranny of Excellence is Hurting Research

The Tyranny of Excellence is Hurting Research

Nick Butler and Sverre Spoelstra argue that the game-playing that accompanies Britain’s Research Excellence Framework to achieve better appearances is harming the intent of the exercise.

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