The Conversation

How Nudge Can Help Us Cope With Ebola
Public Policy
September 24, 2014

How Nudge Can Help Us Cope With Ebola

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Beware: Neuroscience’s Trappings Dress Up ‘Cargo Cult Science’
September 12, 2014

Beware: Neuroscience’s Trappings Dress Up ‘Cargo Cult Science’

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In the UK, Are Student Populations Growing Older?
September 10, 2014

In the UK, Are Student Populations Growing Older?

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Myers-Briggs at Work? Might Be a Terrible Idea (MBTI)
Public Policy
September 8, 2014

Myers-Briggs at Work? Might Be a Terrible Idea (MBTI)

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Even in a MOOC, Students Want to Belong

Even in a MOOC, Students Want to Belong

Even in the austere and potentially lonely world of of the online course, students respond best when they feel they’re part of the family, new research finds.

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Global Problems Take a Village (of Disciplines)

Global Problems Take a Village (of Disciplines)

The wicked problems of today’s world cannot be solved by staying within the realms of a single subject.

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Methods: In Polling, Bigger Is Not Necessarily Better

Methods: In Polling, Bigger Is Not Necessarily Better

As various canvasses and opinion polls attempt to predict the outcome of the Scottish independence plebiscite, it’s worth taking a look at how more methodologically sound inputs lead to more accurate forecasts.

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The Slippery Slope: Dumbing Down into Secondary Schools

The Slippery Slope: Dumbing Down into Secondary Schools

Although this piece first posted at The Conversation was not intended as a response to Daniel Nehring’s request for opinions about effect of ranking-mania on academic labor, Alister Scott’s observations on the current state of British higher education do shine a light on one facet of the larger issues involved.

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Opinion: India Making Wrong Decisions for Undergrads

Opinion: India Making Wrong Decisions for Undergrads

The Indian government’s new regulations for higher education not only are not helping education and students, argues Vishwesha Guttal, they are jeopardizing future excellence.

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Are Good Intentions Enough in Allocating School Places?

Are Good Intentions Enough in Allocating School Places?

Unintended consequences and little practical improvement could result from England’s plan to give poor students priority in school placement, especially if schools can decide to opt in or out, argue Stephen Gorard and Rebecca Morris.

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We Must Resist the Pressure to Be Interesting

We Must Resist the Pressure to Be Interesting

Academic publishing creates incentives to simplify results, cull aberrations and focus on the exciting — often to the detriment of good research. Could more open access allows us to be good and boring?

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Nudge Isn’t New, But It Is Comfortable

Nudge Isn’t New, But It Is Comfortable

It took decades for behavioral economics to break into the mainstream. Now, after just a few years of “bias,” “anchoring” and “nudge,” […]

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