The Conversation

The Devil’s Bargain of Massive Online Learning
May 19, 2014

The Devil’s Bargain of Massive Online Learning

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A Year In — The Conversation UK Marks First Birthday
May 16, 2014

A Year In — The Conversation UK Marks First Birthday

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Judgement Day for Australian Science and Research Funding
Academic Funding
May 15, 2014

Judgement Day for Australian Science and Research Funding

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A Year in the Life of a News Site With Scholarship In Its DNA
May 15, 2014

A Year in the Life of a News Site With Scholarship In Its DNA

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Much Ado About Piketty

Much Ado About Piketty

Is the French economist and meteoric public intellectual our generation’s Marx (or Malthus)?

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Gerry Adams and Research Anonymity: How Far Do We Go?

Gerry Adams and Research Anonymity: How Far Do We Go?

After promising research subjects anonymity, a compelling reason — and the state’s compulsion — pushes us to renege on the promise. is that a mortal sin or a venal transgression? Mark Israel argues that sometimes it’s a necessary evil.

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The Promise and Perils of the Public ‘Nudge’

The Promise and Perils of the Public ‘Nudge’

While there are ample perspective benefits to behavioral nudges in the creation of public policy, make sure the nudges are designed for real people and not some rational superbeing.

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Who Really Holds the Cards in Gambling Research?

Who Really Holds the Cards in Gambling Research?

Australian research into gambling ultimately is highly dependent on the success of gambling itself (even when it’s funded by the state). Is there any surprise that much of the research is rarely critical of the industry?

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Aussie Academics Keep Publishing, and May Start Perishing

Aussie Academics Keep Publishing, and May Start Perishing

Under attack from some quarters for research that is portrayed as wasteful or out of touch, it’s time, argues Jason Ensor, to find newer and more public ways to engage the community beyond the ivory tower.

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1984 Is Knocking At The Door. Let It In

1984 Is Knocking At The Door. Let It In

When governments nudge people to do healthful things it IS a little bit like 1984, says Mike Marinetto. But it’s more like a big brother than Big Brother, he adds.

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How Does False Information Spread Online?

How Does False Information Spread Online?

There’s lots and lots (and lots) of information pumping through the internet. This, argues Farida Vis, makes it doubly important to verify what’s out there and then determine how to deal with the patently false.

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Penny Wise: Why Would Anyone Gut Australia’s Science Agency?

Penny Wise: Why Would Anyone Gut Australia’s Science Agency?

Proposals circulating to cut as much as a fifth of the budget from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation are a quick way to inflict long-term pain in Australia’s research community.

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