
Why We’re Encouraging Authors to Share Their Data with Reviewers
Research Ethics
May 9, 2017

Why We’re Encouraging Authors to Share Their Data with Reviewers

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Good Replication Standards Start With the Data
International Debate
August 24, 2016

Good Replication Standards Start With the Data

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Social Science Gets Surprisingly Warm Reception on Hill
Academic Funding
March 22, 2016

Social Science Gets Surprisingly Warm Reception on Hill

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How Do Customers and Companies Benefit from Service Firm Transparency?
Business and Management INK
November 3, 2015

How Do Customers and Companies Benefit from Service Firm Transparency?

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Can Transparency Equal Trust in Science’s Crisis of Credibility?

Can Transparency Equal Trust in Science’s Crisis of Credibility?

Science is considered a source of truth and the importance of its role in shaping modern society cannot be overstated. But in […]

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Can Greater Transparency Lead to Better Social Science?

Can Greater Transparency Lead to Better Social Science?

The political science journal Comparative Political Studies is experimenting for one special issue in which articles will be judged based on reviewers’ evaluations of what authors intend to do rather than what they report as their findings.

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100,000 for AllTrials by International Clinical Trials Day

100,000 for AllTrials by International Clinical Trials Day

International Clinical Trials Day is on Tuesday May 20th but half of all clinical trials have never been published and some have […]

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Snowden and … Sophocles? Whistleblowing in Antigone

Snowden and … Sophocles? Whistleblowing in Antigone

While figures like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange have been in the public eye in recent years, whistleblowers are not a new […]

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Does Privacy Make Us Productive?

Does Privacy Make Us Productive?

Modern-day organizations increasingly are seeking to create an “open” work environment—one that makes workers more observable—theorizing that transparency boosts performance. But a […]

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Is Transparency Always A Good Thing?

Is Transparency Always A Good Thing?

In today’s management world, the growing consensus holds that transparency is good for any organization. But a study in the Journal of […]

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