
Watch the Lecture: Social Science and the Post-Truth Pandemic
December 10, 2020

Watch the Lecture: Social Science and the Post-Truth Pandemic

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How the Psychology of Mask Wearing Can Encourage Mask Use
December 10, 2020

How the Psychology of Mask Wearing Can Encourage Mask Use

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On the Other Side of Racism Awareness: Interviews
December 9, 2020

On the Other Side of Racism Awareness: Interviews

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Think of Impact Statements As Maps, Not Short Stories
December 9, 2020

Think of Impact Statements As Maps, Not Short Stories

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The Social Science Podcast Guide

The Social Science Podcast Guide

This compilation of podcast series covers a host of topics and focus on specific subjects that pertain to the social and behavioral […]

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View From South Africa: Complexity Theory and University Leadership

View From South Africa: Complexity Theory and University Leadership

Cyrill Walters investigated the current styles of leadership in South African higher education institutions and has developed a model of the primary competencies leaders need.

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Why We Should Abandon ‘Gender Differences in Competition’ to Explain Women’s and Men’s Unequal Position in Work

Why We Should Abandon ‘Gender Differences in Competition’ to Explain Women’s and Men’s Unequal Position in Work

Have you ever taken a look at some new research and felt — or perhaps known — that the researchers just didn’t […]

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Reward and Recognize Open Science?

Reward and Recognize Open Science?

Calls to align incentives in academia to promote open research practices are not new. However, in recent years research funders are increasingly implementing policies and schemes designed to promote open science practices amongst researchers. In this post, Maria Cruz and Hans de Jonge outline details of the Dutch Research Council’s (NWO) new Open Science Fund, which they suggest is the natural next step towards a culture of open science in Dutch research.

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Restructuring Interrelated School Systems: Reflections on ‘Reimagining Schools’

Restructuring Interrelated School Systems: Reflections on ‘Reimagining Schools’

COVID-19 has illuminated an array of pre-existing inequalities in American society today. “Reimagining Schools” is the first talk in the series “Reimagining […]

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Belinda Winder on Pedophilia

Belinda Winder on Pedophilia

Forensic psychologist Belinda Winder wants society to understand one key aspect things about pedophilia. “Many people understand pedophilia to be both a sexual attraction to children but also the act of committing abuse against children,” she explains. “And that’s wrong.”

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To Better Serve Students and Future Workforces, We Must Diversify the Syllabi

To Better Serve Students and Future Workforces, We Must Diversify the Syllabi

Ellen Hutti and Jenine Harris have quantified the extent to which female authors are represented in assigned course readings. In this blog post, they emphasize that more equal exposure to experts with whom they can identify will better serve our students and foster the growth, diversity and potential of this future workforce. They also present one repository currently being built for readings by underrepresented authors that are Black, Indigenous or people of color.

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What Does Trustworthy and Credible MTurk Research Look Like? Recommendations and Checklist

What Does Trustworthy and Credible MTurk Research Look Like? Recommendations and Checklist

The use of Amazon’s Mechanical Turk in management research has increased from 6 papers in 2012 to 133 in 2019. Given that the practice is rapidly increasing but scholarly opinions diverge, the Journal of Management commissioned this review and consideration of best practices.

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