
10 Tips for Spotting Misinformation Online
June 24, 2020

10 Tips for Spotting Misinformation Online

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The Importance of Cultural and Social Awareness in Building LGBTQI Families
June 23, 2020

The Importance of Cultural and Social Awareness in Building LGBTQI Families

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Yale’s James Scott to Receive SSRC’s Hirschman Prize
June 22, 2020

Yale’s James Scott to Receive SSRC’s Hirschman Prize

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The Price of ‘Paying Your Debt to Society’ Extends Well Beyond Incarceration
June 22, 2020

The Price of ‘Paying Your Debt to Society’ Extends Well Beyond Incarceration

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Coronavirus UK – Could We Live With a ‘Second Influenza’?

Coronavirus UK – Could We Live With a ‘Second Influenza’?

Six months into this pandemic, we have learned that it is not going to wipe out human life on this planet. This means, argues Robert Dingwall, that it is time for a public policy reset.

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Self and Social: An Interview About Autoethnography

Self and Social: An Interview About Autoethnography

Janet Salmons, the methods guru at our sister site MethodSapce, interviewed Dr. Peter Gloviczki about his use of autoethnographic methods.

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Why Do Some Stand, and Others Sit, When Facing a Moral Challenge

Why Do Some Stand, and Others Sit, When Facing a Moral Challenge

Moral rebels clearly have particular characteristics that enable them to stand up for what’s right. But what about the rest of us? Are we doomed to be the silent bystanders who meekly stand by and don’t dare call out bad behavior?

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Size Still Matters: Discoverability, Impact and ‘Big’ Journals

Size Still Matters: Discoverability, Impact and ‘Big’ Journals

One of the proposed advantages of open access publication is that it increases the impact of academic research by making it more broadly and easily accessible. Reporting on a natural experiment on the citation impact of health research that is published in both open access and subscription journals, Chris Carroll and Andy Tattersall, suggests that subscription journals still play an important role in making research discoverable and useful and thus still have a role to play even in open publication strategies.

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What Kind of Moment Are We In?

What Kind of Moment Are We In?

Are we on the cusp of a vibrant social movement that will produce major transformations in our practices and policies? Or are we fated to see the communal expressions of grief and calls for change dissolve into contentious policy debates that may result in relatively modest reforms unequal to the fervent hopes now spinning in the streets?

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They Don’t Want You to Know That Not All Conspiracy Theories Should Be Treated the Same

They Don’t Want You to Know That Not All Conspiracy Theories Should Be Treated the Same

Ever since the coronavirus spread across the world, suspicions have proliferated about what is really going on. Questions arose about the origins […]

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An Introduction to Social Influence and COVID: Excerpt from ‘Together Apart’

An Introduction to Social Influence and COVID: Excerpt from ‘Together Apart’

Efforts to influence people loom large in a pandemic. In particular, there is a demand for effective leadership which explains what is […]

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COVID and Conspiracy Theories: Excerpt from ‘Together Apart’

COVID and Conspiracy Theories: Excerpt from ‘Together Apart’

It is to get rid of non-productive Chinese in the Chinese community, who are non-productive and in the words of George Bernard […]

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