
NSF Getting Smaller 2020 Raise Than Anticipated
Academic Funding
December 17, 2019

NSF Getting Smaller 2020 Raise Than Anticipated

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SSHRC Impact Awards Honor Expanders of Access, Citizenship
December 16, 2019

SSHRC Impact Awards Honor Expanders of Access, Citizenship

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Researchers in the Gig Economy: A Talk with Virginia Yonkers
December 12, 2019

Researchers in the Gig Economy: A Talk with Virginia Yonkers

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US Bill Aims to Legislate Scientific Integrity for Federally Funded Work
International Debate
December 11, 2019

US Bill Aims to Legislate Scientific Integrity for Federally Funded Work

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Nominate a Distinguished Social Scientist for SAGE-CASBS Award

Nominate a Distinguished Social Scientist for SAGE-CASBS Award

Nominations to honor an individual whose work has advanced the role of the social and behavioral sciences in enriching and enhancing public policy and good governance are being taken now. The honoree will join luminaries such as William Julius Wilson and Daniel Kahneman as recipient of the SAGE-CASBS Award, sponsored by the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) at Stanford University and SAGE Publishing.

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Opportunity: NSF Seeks Social Science Research on STEM

Opportunity: NSF Seeks Social Science Research on STEM

The National Science Foundation (NSF) will be accepting applications for the Science and Technology Studies (STS) Program. With an estimated program funding of 6,200,000 (to be awarded among 40 different researchers), this is an opportunity worth considering.

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Questioning Randomized Controlled Trials and Development Economics

Questioning Randomized Controlled Trials and Development Economics

Over the last three decades randomized trials have become an increasingly popular way of testing interventions designed to address developmental challenges. But do RCTs generate reliable results – or even retard progress?

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Book Review: Higher Education and Social Inequalities

Book Review: Higher Education and Social Inequalities

The higher education system rests on the principle of meritocracy, with entry into the ‘top’ Russell Group universities supposedly the product of ability. This is despite growing attention to the over-representation of independent school students studying at the ‘top’ universities, with state school students and disadvantaged groups less likely to secure admission.

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Help Us Write a Book About Research Impact

Help Us Write a Book About Research Impact

Benedikt Fecher and Sascha Friesike present the first chapter of a work in progress and invite readers to contribute to a larger collaborative writing project seeking to reframe the way we currently think about research impact.

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Universities – What Is It Reasonable to Expect of Them?

Universities – What Is It Reasonable to Expect of Them?

Universities in effect, argues our Robert Dingwall, are asked to exercise all the responsibilities of parents and to act as a secular equivalent of the medieval church as the conscience of the nation.

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Brexit and the Decline of Academic Internationalism in the UK

Brexit and the Decline of Academic Internationalism in the UK

Brexit seems likely to extend the hostility of the UK immigration system to scholars from European Union countries — unless a significant change of migration politics and prevalent public attitudes towards immigration politics took place in the UK. There are no indications that the latter will happen anytime soon.

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Rupert Brown on Henri Tajfel

Rupert Brown on Henri Tajfel

Rupert Brown, the biographer of Henri Tajfel, talks about the pioneering explorer of prejudice in this Social Science Bites podcast. Brown reviews the roots of Tajfel’s research arising from the Holocaust, and the current repercussions of Tajfel’s personal misdeeds.

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