
Defending Increasingly Threatened Academic Freedoms Globally
Higher Education Reform
October 30, 2019

Defending Increasingly Threatened Academic Freedoms Globally

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Nobel Laureate Alvin Roth: Economics Can Save Lives
October 29, 2019

Nobel Laureate Alvin Roth: Economics Can Save Lives

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Should Academics Offer Support to Student Protesters?
Public Engagement
October 28, 2019

Should Academics Offer Support to Student Protesters?

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Brexit and the Crisis of Academic Cosmopolitanism
October 28, 2019

Brexit and the Crisis of Academic Cosmopolitanism

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If Academic Freedom is Suppressed There, How Do We Act Here?

If Academic Freedom is Suppressed There, How Do We Act Here?

New bans and restrictions of research and teaching on topics such as constitutionalism and civil society have impeded independent scholarship in China. How should universities and academics outside of China react?

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Samantha Power on the Nexus Between Academe and Policy

Samantha Power on the Nexus Between Academe and Policy

Just after Samantha Power’s American Academy of Political and Social Science Daniel Patrick Moynihan Prize lecture earlier this month, Social Science Space flagged her down to get some advice on navigating these abutting realms.

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Student Success from the Perspective of Students Themselves

Student Success from the Perspective of Students Themselves

The Community College Libraries and Academic Support for Student Success project examines student success from the perspectives of the students themselves, the challenges they face in achieving it, and the services they think might effectively support them in their attainment of success. Given that three quarters of students surveyed also have jobs, when students’ needs aren’t met in their everyday lives, their academic performances suffer.

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A Reformer of Criminal Justice: Joan Petersilia, 1951-2019

A Reformer of Criminal Justice: Joan Petersilia, 1951-2019

Remembering criminologist Joan Petersilia who spent her career examining the agencies that conduct U.S. criminal justice, and whose solidly evidence-based work was a major influence in affecting corrections and sentencing reforms.

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Philosopher of Psychology: Rom Harré, 1927-2019

Philosopher of Psychology: Rom Harré, 1927-2019

Rom Harré, a philosopher deeply engaged in critically examining the attributes and vulnerabilities of the social sciences, and who was both an early computational researcher and an incredibly prolific academic author, died October 17 at age 91.

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‘The Old Models Are Not Working’: A Librarian on the New Big Deal

‘The Old Models Are Not Working’: A Librarian on the New Big Deal

The academic publishing paradigm is changing, driven in large part by calls for open access to publicly funded research. In this second of two parts, the university librarian for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill explains the thinking behind of a pilot program UNC inked with a major academic publisher.

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Anatomy of the New Big Deal in an Open Access Age

Anatomy of the New Big Deal in an Open Access Age

The academic publishing paradigm is changing, driven in large part by calls for open access to publicly funded research. In this first of two parts, SAGE Publishing’s vice president of open research explains the genesis of a pilot program his company has inked with a major U.S. research university.

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Textbook Merger Papers Over One Learning Benefit

Textbook Merger Papers Over One Learning Benefit

As the educational reading landscape shifts to digital, Naomi Baron argues we must find proven strategies to help students become more aware of the best ways to read and study online – especially as regular printed textbooks gradually begin to disappear.

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