
Modern Britain’s Identity Crisis: Annual SAGE Lecture
October 17, 2019

Modern Britain’s Identity Crisis: Annual SAGE Lecture

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Plenary + Panel Conferences Don’t Have to Be (So) Painful
October 17, 2019

Plenary + Panel Conferences Don’t Have to Be (So) Painful

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The Internet Is More Than Just a Source of Distraction in Modern Scientific Communication
October 16, 2019

The Internet Is More Than Just a Source of Distraction in Modern Scientific Communication

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Economics Nobel 2019: Why Banerjee, Duflo and Kremer Won
October 15, 2019

Economics Nobel 2019: Why Banerjee, Duflo and Kremer Won

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The Power of Image in Politics

The Power of Image in Politics

Images tap into attitudes, but not always in the same way for every viewer. An image’s perceived level of influence is based on “believability.” This is the idea that it is true if we agree, fake if we disagree. And it is here that the power of images intersects with the great challenge of the digital age. How do we understand politics, fake news, campaigning, and citizenship in an area dominated by images?

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Research on Research

Research on Research

With the advent of the new Research on Research Institute, our Robert Dingwall notes that while research on research fills a gap in the world of knowledge. However, it is important not to confuse it with the research enterprise itself or to assume that this will benefit from being made so planned, rational and evidence-based that the result is to squeeze innovation out of the system.

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We’re Inviting You to Share Your Story of Impact

We’re Inviting You to Share Your Story of Impact

As part of a SAGE project to demonstrate, measure and promote this impact, we’re looking for short write-ups from members of the social science community that we can share widely to make the case that our disciplines routinely provide knowledge that can be used to improve the human condition.

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Evidence Week: My Journey to the UK Parliament

Evidence Week: My Journey to the UK Parliament

Oscar Williams recounts his experience traveling to the Houses of Parliament with Sense about Science’s “Evidence Week” initiative.

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Societal Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities Conference

Societal Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities Conference

A conference bringing together researchers, policy makers, professional societies, evaluators, funders, private sector players, and a variety of stakeholders to talk about impact in the social sciences and humanities takes place later this month in Washington, D.C.

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Opinion: Economic Theory Needs a Major Overhaul

Opinion: Economic Theory Needs a Major Overhaul

Current mainstream economic theory needs an overhaul. Modern advanced economies are complex, evolving systems, which cannot continue to be understood only through aggregate quantity. Sergio Focardi discusses the explanatory power of qualitative (in addition to quantitative) understandings of the market.

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Capitol Hill Briefing on Measuring the Impacts of Incarceration

Capitol Hill Briefing on Measuring the Impacts of Incarceration

There are nearly 2.2 million incarcerated Americans, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. If this population were to form a city, it would be the fifth largest in the country—just behind Houston. Join a briefing on October 10 explaining the cost and effect of this staggering number on the United States.

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Shona Minson on Children of Imprisoned Mothers

Shona Minson on Children of Imprisoned Mothers

When a mother with minor children is imprisoned, she is far from the only one facing consequences. Their children can end up […]

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