
Student Success from the Perspective of Students Themselves
October 23, 2019

Student Success from the Perspective of Students Themselves

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A Reformer of Criminal Justice: Joan Petersilia, 1951-2019
October 23, 2019

A Reformer of Criminal Justice: Joan Petersilia, 1951-2019

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Philosopher of Psychology: Rom Harré, 1927-2019
October 22, 2019

Philosopher of Psychology: Rom Harré, 1927-2019

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‘The Old Models Are Not Working’: A Librarian on the New Big Deal
October 22, 2019

‘The Old Models Are Not Working’: A Librarian on the New Big Deal

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Anatomy of the New Big Deal in an Open Access Age

Anatomy of the New Big Deal in an Open Access Age

The academic publishing paradigm is changing, driven in large part by calls for open access to publicly funded research. In this first of two parts, SAGE Publishing’s vice president of open research explains the genesis of a pilot program his company has inked with a major U.S. research university.

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Textbook Merger Papers Over One Learning Benefit

Textbook Merger Papers Over One Learning Benefit

As the educational reading landscape shifts to digital, Naomi Baron argues we must find proven strategies to help students become more aware of the best ways to read and study online – especially as regular printed textbooks gradually begin to disappear.

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Modern Britain’s Identity Crisis: Annual SAGE Lecture

Modern Britain’s Identity Crisis: Annual SAGE Lecture

Journalist Mark Easton will address “Britain’s Modern Identity Crisis” as the the Campaign for Social Science hosts the annual SAGE Publishing Lecture. The lecture takes place on November 14 in London. For more information, or to view the prog

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Plenary + Panel Conferences Don’t Have to Be (So) Painful

Plenary + Panel Conferences Don’t Have to Be (So) Painful

The default format for most academic conferences is a plenary followed by panel presentations. If we can’t revolutionize conference design, we can at least consider Duncan Green’s seven tips for improvement (electric shocks optional).

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The Internet Is More Than Just a Source of Distraction in Modern Scientific Communication

The Internet Is More Than Just a Source of Distraction in Modern Scientific Communication

Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms are sometimes dismissed as distractions for students. But they’re also avenues for scientific communication. Scientists are active on social media, discussing everything from methods to the latest developments in research. They even use social media to raise funds…

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Economics Nobel 2019: Why Banerjee, Duflo and Kremer Won

Economics Nobel 2019: Why Banerjee, Duflo and Kremer Won

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2019 (commonly known as the Nobel Prize for Economics) has been awarded to Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer “for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty.” Through the award, the Nobel committee recognized both the significance of development economics in the world today and the innovative approaches developed by these three economists.

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The Power of Image in Politics

The Power of Image in Politics

Images tap into attitudes, but not always in the same way for every viewer. An image’s perceived level of influence is based on “believability.” This is the idea that it is true if we agree, fake if we disagree. And it is here that the power of images intersects with the great challenge of the digital age. How do we understand politics, fake news, campaigning, and citizenship in an area dominated by images?

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Research on Research

Research on Research

With the advent of the new Research on Research Institute, our Robert Dingwall notes that while research on research fills a gap in the world of knowledge. However, it is important not to confuse it with the research enterprise itself or to assume that this will benefit from being made so planned, rational and evidence-based that the result is to squeeze innovation out of the system.

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