
VR in Social Science Research: Future or Fad?
March 12, 2019

VR in Social Science Research: Future or Fad?

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Recalling Some of Our Site’s Exceptional Women
March 8, 2019

Recalling Some of Our Site’s Exceptional Women

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Learning Through Citizen Science: Enhancing Opportunities by Design
March 7, 2019

Learning Through Citizen Science: Enhancing Opportunities by Design

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DARPA Aims to Score Social and Behavioral Research
Higher Education Reform
March 6, 2019

DARPA Aims to Score Social and Behavioral Research

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Faculty Need To Be More Than Their Vita

Faculty Need To Be More Than Their Vita

At his business school, writes Larry Peters, success came from engaging faculty at all levels in expanding their roles and their time to accomplish what they needed and what the school and department needed. ‘We came to see,’ he writes, ‘as individuals, that we needed to be partners with the school’s leaders to help ensure that the collective could succeed.’

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Washington and Social Science: NSF Allocation Above FY18

Washington and Social Science: NSF Allocation Above FY18

The final agreement ending the most recent U.S. government shutdown provides $8.1 billion for the National Science Foundation, a $301 million increase over the amount appropriated in fiscal year 2018.

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Gina Neff on Smart Devices

Gina Neff on Smart Devices

Gina Neff doesn’t approach smart devices as a Luddite or even that much of an alarmist; she bought first-generation Fitbit when they were brand new and virtually unknown (all of five years ago!). She approaches them as a sociologist, “looking at the practices of people who use digital devices to monitor, map and measure different aspects of their life.”

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Those Who Share Fake News Tend to Be Older: Study

Those Who Share Fake News Tend to Be Older: Study

These two studies examined fake news on separate social media platforms; Facebook and Twitter, with both concluding that sharing this content was a rare occurrence but when users did share fake news articles they tended to be older Americans over 65.

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‘Detoxing from Academia’: One Black Scholar’s Journey

‘Detoxing from Academia’: One Black Scholar’s Journey

JeffriAnne Wilder, a sociologist and leading scholar specializing in diversity, race relations and women’s empowerment, has almost two decades of experience in higher education. In this interview, she details who influenced — from her mom to bell hooks — and why she left her tenured professorship to work for a non-profit.

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Academe Just Doesn’t Talk Enough about Research Metrics

Academe Just Doesn’t Talk Enough about Research Metrics

Lai Ma 3160 Impact

The active use of metrics in everyday research activities suggests academics have accepted them as standards of evaluation. Yet when asked, many academics profess concern about the limitations of evaluative metrics and the extent of their use. Why is there such a discrepancy between principle and practices?

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The Impact Chain – How to Craft an Effective Impact Narrative

The Impact Chain – How to Craft an Effective Impact Narrative

A vital part of any research assessment program is the ability to clearly demonstrate the impacts, whatever they may, of the research undertaken. In this post, Katy McEwan presents the impact chain approach for writing impact case studies. A method, which provides a framework for producing impact narratives

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Free Access to Suite of Academic Papers on Brexit

Free Access to Suite of Academic Papers on Brexit

In the latest of its monthly series of interdisciplinary microsites addressing important public issues, SAGE Publishing is offering free access to a suite academic articles that focus on the ramifications of Britain’s exit from the European Union. The content will remain ungated until April 5.

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