
Why is Social Theory So Boring?
Higher Education Reform
February 17, 2019

Why is Social Theory So Boring?

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Read Compelling Studies from Award-Winning ‘AERA Open’
February 15, 2019

Read Compelling Studies from Award-Winning ‘AERA Open’

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Social Science Foo Camp 2019
February 14, 2019

Social Science Foo Camp 2019

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In Age of Open Science, Should Your Presentation Appear Online?
February 12, 2019

In Age of Open Science, Should Your Presentation Appear Online?

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Writing Style in Abstract Linked to NSF Grant Payout

Writing Style in Abstract Linked to NSF Grant Payout

A text analysis of nine years of grant abstracts submitted to the NSF indicated that what researchers say and how we say it can foretell the amount of funding we are awarded. They also show that the writing funders idealize may not always match up with what they actually prefer.

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Measuring all the Factors around Social Science Impact

Measuring all the Factors around Social Science Impact

Sage 3002 Impact

As part of a larger effort to support social scientists achieve and demonstrate impact, SAGE Publishing brought together 14 individuals who are both passionate about social science’s impact and intimately involved in improving its measurement for a one-day workshop.

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The Emerging UK Policy Landscape for Researchers

The Emerging UK Policy Landscape for Researchers

In this first in a series of articles about impact, Louis Coiffait will provide an overview of the current situation for researchers (including social scientists) in the United Kingdom, in particular looking at the impact and knowledge exchange frameworks.

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The Trump Administration’s Last Best Chance to Slash Legal Migration

The Trump Administration’s Last Best Chance to Slash Legal Migration

The Center for Migration Studies, has analyzed changes in the immigration rules for ‘lawful permanent residents’ and found the potential effect on “intending immigrants” would deny admission and adjustment to large numbers of working class persons who contribute substantially to the US economy, who have US citizen and lawful permanent resident family members

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Washington and Social Science: The Shutdown and the Damage Done

Washington and Social Science: The Shutdown and the Damage Done

Even if Congress and the president succeed in breaking the logjam and approve the remaining fiscal year 2019 appropriations bills, the new Congress will find itself significantly behind schedule in the fiscal year 2020 budget and appropriations cycle. The president’s budget, which is usually delivered to Congress in early February, will likely be delayed by a month, and perhaps longer if another partial shutdown occurs on February 16. House and Senate appropriations committees typically set deadlines for requests by this time in the year, but that process is not even close to starting because of the shutdown.

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Les Back on Migrants

Les Back on Migrants

Reflecting on his new book Migrant City, Goldsmiths sociologist Les Back tells interviewer David Edmonds in this Social Science Bites podcast, co-author and co-researcher Shamser Sinha and Back learned their work was “not really just a migrants’ story; it’s the story of London but told through and eyes, ears and attentiveness of 30 adult migrants from all corners of the world.”

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Open Scholarship Means We Must Rethink How to Measure Impact

Open Scholarship Means We Must Rethink How to Measure Impact

Sascha Friesike, Benedikt Fecher and Gert. G. Wagner outline three systemic shifts in scholarly communication that render traditional measures of impact outdated and call for a renewed debate on how we understand and measure research impact.

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The Loneliness of the Long-Suffering Researcher

The Loneliness of the Long-Suffering Researcher

Isolation and loneliness, as opposed to solitude, seem to the be the lot of many midern researchers. Research shows that 40 percent of academics, and more than half below the age of 35, view isolation at work as the main factor affecting their mental health. And many academics turn to counselling to learn ways to cope with emotional distress.

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