
How Do I Share My Article? Top Tips for After Publication
January 28, 2019

How Do I Share My Article? Top Tips for After Publication

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The Pragmatic Utopian: Erik Olin Wright, 1947-2019
January 28, 2019

The Pragmatic Utopian: Erik Olin Wright, 1947-2019

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The What, Why and How of Collective Intelligence
January 25, 2019

The What, Why and How of Collective Intelligence

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President Signs Bill on Evidence-Based Policy
Public Policy
January 23, 2019

President Signs Bill on Evidence-Based Policy

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OBSSR Aims to Define Behavioral and Social Science Research

OBSSR Aims to Define Behavioral and Social Science Research

The U.S. National Institutes of Health’s Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, which has a rather lengthy revised definition that it’s currently asking experts to assess.

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Social Science Space 2018 Round-Up

Social Science Space 2018 Round-Up

Last year Social Science Space presented more than 200 articles on the impact, infrastructure and industry surrounding social and behavioral science and research. Here we chose a few of special merit to highlight what went on in 2018. Click the links mentioned to review the full post and/or podcast.

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VR: The Future of Experimental Social Research?

VR: The Future of Experimental Social Research?

Virtual Reality technology is opening previously locked doors to researchers in the social sciences. But how viable is it really as a research tool? We take a look back over the history of experimental research in human perception and response to consider the future of VR in experimental design.

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Rethinking Research Impact in International Development

Rethinking Research Impact in International Development

In addition to the established impact agenda, those doing research for development now also have to contend with the Overseas Development Assistance research agenda. Valeria Izzi observes that while there are clear similarities between the two, so far remarkably little reflection has gone into how they fit together.

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Here Is the Science Behind Scheduling Social Media

Here Is the Science Behind Scheduling Social Media

Bringing science to science communications: Social media post scheduling long has been an art, not a science. A new study reveals the impact of time of day, targeted content advertising, and content type on link clicks and how these variables interact.

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How Does Federally Funded Science Fare in Shutdown?

How Does Federally Funded Science Fare in Shutdown?

During this U.S government partial shutdown, agencies including the NSF, the Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Parks Service, the U.S. Geological Survey, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Institute of Standards and Technology and NOAA have had to stop most work. Surely that can’t be beneficial …

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Are Gender Studies Under Assault Globally?

Are Gender Studies Under Assault Globally?

The war on gender studies is a pillar in the authoritarian critique of liberalism. But for many scholars, argues Jennifer Evans, it is a sign of the times for liberal democracies as well.

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The Civic Responsibility of Ethnographers

The Civic Responsibility of Ethnographers

What duty do social scientists have to report illegal activity that they witness as part of their fieldwork? If you answered quickly, you may not have thought about the issue all that deeply.

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