
Ebola Response and the Utility of Social Science
December 19, 2018

Ebola Response and the Utility of Social Science

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Training Social Scientists for the Future
December 19, 2018

Training Social Scientists for the Future

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For 2019, Resolve to Grant Overdue Recognition
December 19, 2018

For 2019, Resolve to Grant Overdue Recognition

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Chetty, Crenshaw, Krugman Among AAPSS Inductees for 2019
December 18, 2018

Chetty, Crenshaw, Krugman Among AAPSS Inductees for 2019

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Special Pleading: Free Speech and Australian Universities

Special Pleading: Free Speech and Australian Universities

This is an edited version of a speech given by Glyn Davis, distinguished professor of political science at the Crawford School of Public Policy at Australian National University, at a summit to explore issues of academic freedom and autonomy hosted by the Australian National University.

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Social Science and Inoculation Against Vaccination Myths

Social Science and Inoculation Against Vaccination Myths

Figuring out how public health professionals can most effectively combat misinformation about the flu vaccine is a critically important question for public health research. Looking at the latest research, what is the best way to communicate this importance.

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Should We Treat the Syllabus as a Scholarly Work?

Should We Treat the Syllabus as a Scholarly Work?

A workshop conducted by the Humane Metrics Initiative earlier this year explored whether the humble syllabus should be treated as a scholarly work on its own merits, and if so, how the authors of any syllabi should be recognized.

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What Can We do About Scientific Misconduct?

What Can We do About Scientific Misconduct?

In a world of alternative facts we should be able to turn to scientific research for reliably trust-worthy perspectives, yet even peer- reviewed journal articles can contain incorrect or misleading findings. New journal article is now up for open Access, which puts up some recommendations.

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Research for Social Good Means Addressing Scientific Misconduct

Research for Social Good Means Addressing Scientific Misconduct

Social Science Space’s sister site, Methods Space, explored the broad topic of Social Good this past October, with guest Interviewee Dr. Benson Hong. Here Janet Salmons and him talk about the Academy of Management Perspectives journal article.

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Academic Morale and Ponzi Schemes

Academic Morale and Ponzi Schemes

The pool of PhDs and postdocs has expanded far more rapidly than the long-term career opportunities in higher education, a situation Charles Ponzi would have recognized- and which Felicity Callard captured with a late-November tweet.

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Video: Honest Reporting in an Age of News-Shaming

Video: Honest Reporting in an Age of News-Shaming

Between his chastisements of the media, Twitter rants, and dismissal of scientifically conducted studies, some may wonder what it really means to be a reporter in the age of Donald Trump. Recently, a panel of reporters came together to address this question during the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

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James Robinson on Why Nations Fail

James Robinson on Why Nations Fail

Metrics on the average living standards from the best-off countries in the world (say, Norway) to the worst-off (such as the Central African Republic) vary by a factor of 40 to 50. So notes James Robinson

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