
Washington and Social Science: Might a Wall Shutdown Delay NSF Budget?
Academic Funding
December 3, 2018

Washington and Social Science: Might a Wall Shutdown Delay NSF Budget?

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Skip Lupia on Taking the Reins of the SBE Directorate
Academic Funding
December 3, 2018

Skip Lupia on Taking the Reins of the SBE Directorate

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Former Head of Ag Stats Service Takes Reins at COPAFS
Recent Appointments
November 28, 2018

Former Head of Ag Stats Service Takes Reins at COPAFS

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Finance is a Subject Social Science Must Study
November 26, 2018

Finance is a Subject Social Science Must Study

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Metricization, the SSCI Syndrome and Devaluing Books in Academic Sociology

Metricization, the SSCI Syndrome and Devaluing Books in Academic Sociology

Is scholarship that doesn’t appear in the Social Science Citation Index — a commercial index of ‘internationally leading’ journals in the social sciences, compiled by Clarivate Analytics — worthless? Before you say ‘Of course not,’ know that some universities essentially are saying yes.

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Translating Research to Policy: Improving Justice for Women and Girls

Translating Research to Policy: Improving Justice for Women and Girls

A number of scholars drawn from American Society of Criminology’s Division on Women and Crime presented their evidence-based suggestions for the improvement of existing policies and legislation, as well as new legislative and funding initiatives, at the division’s first-ever congressional briefing in Washington, D.C.

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Reflections on the Centenary of the Armistice

Reflections on the Centenary of the Armistice

At the 100th anniversary of the end of World War, Robert Dingwall asks how has English sociology asked questions about the experiences and the legacy of the war — or if it even has broached those issues.

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Did Emile Durkheim Foresee Today’s Chaos?

Did Emile Durkheim Foresee Today’s Chaos?

Emile Durkheim, one of the pioneers of the discipline of sociology, died 101 years ago this month. Although few outside of social science departments know his name, his intellectual legacy may provide us with some assistance in diagnosing the perennial problems associated with modernity.

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New Report Packages Themes from Evidence Week

New Report Packages Themes from Evidence Week

“The question we must therefore ask is: are we all really working to the best available picture of what is going on in the world?” So asks a new report that summarizes the themes discussed in June’s first-ever Evidence Week.

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Washington and Social Science: The Midterms and Science Committees

Washington and Social Science: The Midterms and Science Committees

The change in majority control for the U.S. House of Representatives will change the discussions that have occurred around U.S. social science funding as a party that has been openly skeptical of the value of social and behavioral research will no longer pull the strings on funding science.

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Campaign for Social Science Report Argues for International Staff Safety Net

Campaign for Social Science Report Argues for International Staff Safety Net

Three out of every 10 academics working in UK universities, finds a new report from the Campaign for Social Science, are nationals […]

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Social Science Data Solving Social Housing Problems

Social Science Data Solving Social Housing Problems

The ESRC describes Knowledge Transfer Partnerships as a relationship between a company/organization and staff in a knowledge base institution in which the the institution’s knowledge base is applied to a challenge presented by the organization. Here, Farida Mustafazade describes her experience in such a partnership.

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