
Connecting Legislators and Researchers, Leads to Policies Based on Scientific Evidence
January 25, 2024

Connecting Legislators and Researchers, Leads to Policies Based on Scientific Evidence

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The Key to Dismantling Oppressive Global Systems
Business and Management INK
January 25, 2024

The Key to Dismantling Oppressive Global Systems

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Using Affective Displays to Predict Customer Satisfaction
Business and Management INK
January 24, 2024

Using Affective Displays to Predict Customer Satisfaction

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NSF Responsible Tech Initiative Looking at AI, Biotech and Climate
January 24, 2024

NSF Responsible Tech Initiative Looking at AI, Biotech and Climate

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Webinar: Responsible Design, Development, and Deployment of Technologies (ReDDDoT)

Webinar: Responsible Design, Development, and Deployment of Technologies (ReDDDoT)

Ensuring responsibility in the design and development in technologies is of growing concern, especially in a world filled to the brim with […]

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There’s Something In the Air…But Is It a Virus? Part 1

There’s Something In the Air…But Is It a Virus? Part 1

The historic Hippocrates has become an iconic figure in the creation myths of medicine. What can the body of thought attributed to him tell us about modern responses to COVID?

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Gabe Miller Leaving CFHSS for Universities Canada

Gabe Miller Leaving CFHSS for Universities Canada

Gabriel Miller, currently the president and chief executive officer of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, has been named the president and chief executive officer of Universities Canada effective March 18.

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New Report Finds Social Science Key Ingredient in Innovation Recipe

New Report Finds Social Science Key Ingredient in Innovation Recipe

A new report from Britain’s Academy of Social Sciences argues that the key to success for physical science and technology research is a healthy helping of relevant social science.

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Building Community in the Remote Workplace

Building Community in the Remote Workplace

In this article, Will Bennis reflects on his efforts to build community among freelancers and remote workers. What he couldn’t anticipate, however, were the challenges he would face in doing so — challenges that he and Marko Orel expand upon in “Taboo Trade-Offs in the Community Business: The Case of Coworking” in the Journal of Management Inquiry.

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Your Data Likely Isn’t Best Served in a Pie Chart

Your Data Likely Isn’t Best Served in a Pie Chart

Overall, it is best to use pie charts sparingly, especially when there is a more “digestible” alternative – the bar chart.

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Research Integrity Should Not Mean Its Weaponization

Research Integrity Should Not Mean Its Weaponization

Commenting on the trend for the politically motivated forensic scrutiny of the research records of academics, Till Bruckner argues that singling out individuals in this way has a chilling effect on academic freedom and distracts from efforts to address more important systemic issues in research integrity.

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What Do We Know about Plagiarism These Days?

What Do We Know about Plagiarism These Days?

In the following Q&A, Roger J. Kreuz, a psychology professor who is working on a manuscript about the history and psychology of plagiarism, explains the nature and prevalence of plagiarism and the challenges associated with detecting it in the age of AI.

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