
Extreme Polarization Is Bad But Need Not Be Inevitable
November 3, 2018

Extreme Polarization Is Bad But Need Not Be Inevitable

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Pro-Truth Pledge: Social Science Attacks Fake News From the Demand Side
International Debate
November 2, 2018

Pro-Truth Pledge: Social Science Attacks Fake News From the Demand Side

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Even Self-Identified Independents are Partisan in America
International Debate
November 2, 2018

Even Self-Identified Independents are Partisan in America

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Economist Paul Johnson Says the Known Knowns Are Killing Us
November 1, 2018

Economist Paul Johnson Says the Known Knowns Are Killing Us

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Election IQ: Bringing the 2018 Midterms into the Classroom

Election IQ: Bringing the 2018 Midterms into the Classroom

At SAGE, we believe that education and engaged scholarship make up the foundation of a healthy society. So for this election season, we challenge you to bring the election into your classrooms. For the next few days, we will be providing you with new content to help facilitate conversation within the classroom.

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Nick Adams on Textual Analysis

Nick Adams on Textual Analysis

Fake news, whether truly phony or merely unpalatable, has become an inescapable trope for modern media consumers. But apart from its propagandist provenance, misinformation and disinformation in our media diets is a genuine threat. Sociologist Nick Adams, in this Social Science Bites podcast, offers hope that a tool he’s developed can improve the media literacy of the populace.

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Wolfson Foundation Funds £10 Million HSS Initiative With British Academy

Wolfson Foundation Funds £10 Million HSS Initiative With British Academy

Making its largest-ever grant in the social sciences and humanities, the Wolfson Foundation awarded the British Academy £10 million to promote high quality research. Under the initiative, the British Academy will create a fellowship program to support early career researchers, develop an international community of scholars and create an intellectual hub at the academy’s London home on Carlton House Terrace.

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Renowned Mindset Scholar Receives SAGE-CASBS Award

Renowned Mindset Scholar Receives SAGE-CASBS Award

Carol Dweck, the Stanford-based psychologist whose work brought the idea of “mindset” into the education mainstream, will receive the 2018 SAGE-CASBS Award.

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Learning to Use fMRI in Organizational Research

Learning to Use fMRI in Organizational Research

The authors of a new paper on neurofinance — a relatively new area of research that strives to understand financial decision making by combining insights from psychology and neuroscience with theories of finance — discuss some of the issues they grappled with in using imaging technology for their research.

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Six Things We’ve Learned About Academic Writing Productivity (and Satisfaction)

Six Things We’ve Learned About Academic Writing Productivity (and Satisfaction)

Writing satisfaction is strongly linked to publishing productivity and, potentially, career success. Chris Smith reports on research investigating the tools and systems academics from all career stages use to keep writing and publishing. Age, experience, and having a sense of certainty about what sort of writing system suits you and your life are all important to productivity and overall satisfaction.

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SSHRC Impact Awards Get Metaphysical for 2018

SSHRC Impact Awards Get Metaphysical for 2018

Canada’s Social Science and Humanities Research Council, now in its 40th year, handed out five Impact Prizes earlier this month to honor those showing the potential and applicability of government-funded research and exploration.

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Navigating Trade-Offs Between Research, Impact, and Collaboration

Navigating Trade-Offs Between Research, Impact, and Collaboration

Valeria Izzi asks, when it comes to research for development, can we really have it all? Or are we setting the bar so high that researchers will be discouraged from even trying – instead embellishing their proposals with enough impact, partnership, and co-production jargon to win funding, before getting on with research as usual?

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