
Simply Applying for a Competitive Grant is a Win
October 17, 2018

Simply Applying for a Competitive Grant is a Win

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Microsite Offers Look at Artificial Intelligence
October 16, 2018

Microsite Offers Look at Artificial Intelligence

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Why Social Science? Because It’s Proliferating
October 11, 2018

Why Social Science? Because It’s Proliferating

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Replication in Humanities Just as Desirable as in Sciences
Research Ethics
October 10, 2018

Replication in Humanities Just as Desirable as in Sciences

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Citizen Social Scientists Edit Day’s News with New Tool

Citizen Social Scientists Edit Day’s News with New Tool

Sociologist Nick Adams’ TagWorks methodology is being used to rate — and in turn improve — the most shared news stories of the day via a new tool called PublicEditor.

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#MeToo: Tackling Harassment in Academic Publishing

#MeToo: Tackling Harassment in Academic Publishing

The #MeToo movement has slowly spread across to other sectors as people begin to come forward with their own stories of sexual harassment and bullying. In academic publishing, this conversation was in part started in February by Alison’s Mudditt’s powerful post on The Scholarly Kitchen. Muddit chaired a recent panel looking at sexual harassment, and ways to combat it, at the annual ALPSP conference.

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Economics Nobel Recognizes Nature and Knowledge

Economics Nobel Recognizes Nature and Knowledge

Two academics who have integrated what might have once seemed like non-economic externalities into economic models have been awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in economics. The winners are William D. Nordhaus of Yale University, cited for integrating climate change into macroeconomic analysis, and Paul M. Romer of New York University’s Stern School of Business, cited doing the same with technological innovations.

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Five with Social Science Credentials Win MacArthur Grants

Five with Social Science Credentials Win MacArthur Grants

Five people with backgrounds in social, behavioral or data science were among 25 named in the 2018 class of MacArthur Foundation fellows. The fellowship and grant program, sometimes referred to as the “genius grant,” awards exceptionally creative people with $625,000 – no strings attached — in expectation that based on their track record they will achieve something important in the future.

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The Dean of ‘Ism’ Studies: Walter Laqueur, 1921-2018

The Dean of ‘Ism’ Studies: Walter Laqueur, 1921-2018

Walter Laquer, who fled the Holocaust, experienced the birth of Israel, founded the ‘Journal of Contemporary History,’ and was an unflinching sentinel against terrorism and an authoritarian Russia, died on September 30. He was 97.

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Washington and Social Science: Rare Accord Seen in Appropriations

Washington and Social Science: Rare Accord Seen in Appropriations

For the first time in more than 20 years, Congress enacted into law the annual Labor-Health and Human Services-Education Act prior to the end of the fiscal year and for the first time in more than 10 years it did the same for the Defense Appropriations Act. What it didn’t do is approve the bill that funds the National Science Foundation.

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Andrew Leigh on Randomistas

Andrew Leigh on Randomistas

When Angus Deaton crafted the term ‘randomista’ to denigrate the rampant use of randomized controlled trials in development economics, Angus Leigh saw an opportunity to make lemonade out of lemons. In this Social Science Bites podcasts he explains how he turned randomista into a compliment and promotes the use of trials to improve social programs worldwide.

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Archived Webinar: Voicing Movements in the Face of Censorship

Archived Webinar: Voicing Movements in the Face of Censorship

Sage 1267 News

Each year since 1982 the American Library Association has spearheaded a celebration of books that have been suppressed or banned. Two authors of banned books, a sociologist and the deputy editor of ‘Index on Censorship’ discusses banned books in this archived webinar.

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