
Submissions Open for Early Career Excellence in Teaching Evaluation Awards
August 27, 2018

Submissions Open for Early Career Excellence in Teaching Evaluation Awards

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SSRC Offers Social Media and Democracy Research Grants
August 22, 2018

SSRC Offers Social Media and Democracy Research Grants

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How to Annoy Your Survey Participants in Six Easy Steps
August 22, 2018

How to Annoy Your Survey Participants in Six Easy Steps

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How Do I Get Published? Five Tips to Successfully Publish an Academic Paper
August 22, 2018

How Do I Get Published? Five Tips to Successfully Publish an Academic Paper

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Microsite Offers Research on Big Data Research

Microsite Offers Research on Big Data Research

In the latest of its monthly series of interdisciplinary microsites addressing important public issues, SAGE Publishing is offering free access to a suite academic articles that focus on research about big data through November 15.

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Africa Takes Steps in Using Evidence to Inform Policy

Africa Takes Steps in Using Evidence to Inform Policy

Africa has a real challenge when it comes to using academic research and evidence to design policies. “The problem is twofold,” says author Ruth Stewart, “policymakers sometimes don’t call on available research, while for their part academics don’t know how to engage with policymakers.” But this isn’t stopping the continent from taking strides in the right direction.

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Archived Webinar: Teaching Ethics in Research Methods

Archived Webinar: Teaching Ethics in Research Methods

Sage 3794 Research

 Author of SAGE textbook “Introduction to Educational Research,” and TEDx lecturer Dr. Craig A. Mertler draws on his 32 years of […]

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Achieving Impact for Early-Career Researchers

Achieving Impact for Early-Career Researchers

For many early-career researchers, the practicalities of how to successfully influence policy processes can be elusive, causing problems. Megan Evans and Chris Cvitanovic provide some practical tips and suggestions that can help to empower ECRs to create their own pathways to impact that best suit their individual goals, circumstances, interests, and strengths.

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An Ethical Approach to an Ethical Dilemma

An Ethical Approach to an Ethical Dilemma

Regardless of whether human nature is “good” or “evil,” studies do show that we, the consumers, want corporations to care and invest deeply in social issues. With the growth of “corporate social responsibility”, comes increased public scrutiny, requiring companies to live up to public standards- which isn’t a bad thing.

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Social Media in Brazil: Distilling Racism Against Black Women

Social Media in Brazil: Distilling Racism Against Black Women

Rather than a ‘racial democracy,’ racism and prejudice against black people and women in particular, remains strong in the minds of many Brazilians. Using his policy brief as ammunition, Dr. Luiz Valerio argues that social media platforms play an important role in the dissemination and reinforcement of such ideologies and offers recommendations that should not be overlooked.

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Funding for Basic Research has Future Payoffs

Funding for Basic Research has Future Payoffs

Basic research can be easy to mock as pointless and wasteful of resources. But it’s very often the foundation for future innovation – even in ways the original scientists couldn’t have imagined.

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The Implicit Biases We’re Not Aware We Have

The Implicit Biases We’re Not Aware We Have

Prejudice and stereotypes are part of why social inequality persists. In many cases, people don’t know they have implicit biases that shape the norms of society that we see today. Although introspection is good it may not tell the full story, and that’s why social scientists use tests to measure the implicit biases people harbor and to see how much they relate to actions.

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