
Video: Evidence-Based Policy in the Trump Era
July 19, 2018

Video: Evidence-Based Policy in the Trump Era

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Sir Cliff Richard, the BBC and the Ethics of Interviewing
July 19, 2018

Sir Cliff Richard, the BBC and the Ethics of Interviewing

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Questions to Ask When Choosing New Research Tools
July 18, 2018

Questions to Ask When Choosing New Research Tools

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Competition of Academics
July 18, 2018

Competition of Academics

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Paying for the Good Stuff

Paying for the Good Stuff

When Robert Dingwall was younger, sociology departments routinely taught a course on ‘industry,’, ‘work’ or ‘economic life.’ “Most of this turf has now been abandoned to business schools in the form of organization studies, where it increasingly struggles to resist the expansion of finance and accounting studies,” he says, and to our detriment.

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Research Value Needs the Help of Social Sciences

Research Value Needs the Help of Social Sciences

Rachel and Lisa explore how humanities, arts and social sciences expertise is applied to problems typically corralled into the science and technology space.

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Social Scientists Connect with LinkedIn Data

Social Scientists Connect with LinkedIn Data

Linked In is a potential treasure trove for researchers, but it has limitations on both how much data to use and how to obtain it. But a since 2017 the company has been offering teams of researchers a chance to explore its riches.

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Grants Offered Computational Social Science Software Developers

Grants Offered Computational Social Science Software Developers

A grant program that provides early stage funding for innovative software ideas that support social science researchers working with big data and new technology is now accepting applications.

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Why and How to Conduct a Literature Review

Why and How to Conduct a Literature Review

“Why you or other researchers need a literature review is rarely discussed, or when it is, it is quickly glossed over. With […]

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Skip Lupia to Head NSF’s Social Science Directorate

Skip Lupia to Head NSF’s Social Science Directorate

Noted science communicator and political scientist Arthur ‘Skip’ Lupia will take the reins of the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences starting in September.

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Washington and Social Science: Positive Research Funding Plans Still on Track

Washington and Social Science: Positive Research Funding Plans Still on Track

Both houses of the United States Congress have appropriations bills that increase funding for the National Science Foundation and the 2020 Census in the works, and ‘regular order’ is still the rule for seeing them advance to passage. But how long will regular order be regular?

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Evidence-Based Policy: Do Knowledge Brokers Help?

Evidence-Based Policy: Do Knowledge Brokers Help?

We need to bridge the gap between academic research and public policy. Sarah Quarmby takes a look inside a knowledge brokering organization, the Wales Centre for Public Policy, to see how its day-to-day workings tally with the body of knowledge about evidence use in policymaking.

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