
What Can I Do With a Sociology Degree?
September 20, 2018

What Can I Do With a Sociology Degree?

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Collaboration Imbues SSRC’s ‘To Secure Knowledge’ Report
September 19, 2018

Collaboration Imbues SSRC’s ‘To Secure Knowledge’ Report

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Why Developing Countries are Vulnerable to Predatory Journals
Academic Funding
September 18, 2018

Why Developing Countries are Vulnerable to Predatory Journals

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APS Panel: Connecting Behavioral Scientists and Tech
September 14, 2018

APS Panel: Connecting Behavioral Scientists and Tech

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Golden Goose Award Recognizes Implicit Bias Work

Golden Goose Award Recognizes Implicit Bias Work

U.S. government-funded research that on its face looked only at fame, names and gender turned out to be pioneering work into implicit bias. This year a Golden Goose Award went to three researchers who developed the concept of implicit bias and then made a huge impact on popular culture by giving the world a test to measure it.

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Survey: Peer Reviewed Valued – If Someone Else Does It

Survey: Peer Reviewed Valued – If Someone Else Does It

During this Peer Review Week 2018, Tom Culley shares findings from the new Publons “Global State of Peer Review” report. As demands on the peer review system increase, reviewers are actually becoming less responsive to invitations.

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Crowd-Sourcing As a Complement to Peer Review

Crowd-Sourcing As a Complement to Peer Review

A new process developed by Princeton’s Matthew Salganik for reviewing academic manuscripts allows the world at large to examine and weigh in on a book at the same time the manuscript is undergoing peer review.

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How a Degree in Humanities Can Help in a Disruptive Economy

How a Degree in Humanities Can Help in a Disruptive Economy

A report from RBC Royal Bank reaffirms what thought leaders keep insisting — there will be more and more demand for a liberal arts education in our increasingly digital world. “I prefer to call them “essential skills,” because we all need them every day, though we don’t always use them well. They are the foundational skills that allow us to learn and live and work productively with other people.”

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How Should I Approach Reviewing an Article?

How Should I Approach Reviewing an Article?

Most early career researchers receive little to no training on how to peer review, and it’s not always easy to find consistent or helpful guidance. Here, during Peer Review Week, Katrina Newitt offers some helpful advice on how to get started.

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Wendy Larner Assumes Role as President of NZ Royal Society

Wendy Larner Assumes Role as President of NZ Royal Society

Sociologist Wendy Larner, provost at Victoria University of Wellington, began her three-year term as president of New Zealand’s Royal Society Te Apārangi […]

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British Academy Honors Pair of Political Journalists

British Academy Honors Pair of Political Journalists

The British Academy is honoring political journalists Zeinab Badawi and Dame Frances Cairncross among a number of individuals awarded for their services to the humanities and social sciences.

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Washington and Social Science: NSF Funding Not Part of Fast-Tracked Bills

Washington and Social Science: NSF Funding Not Part of Fast-Tracked Bills

The US Senate approved a “minibus” appropriations bill that combined the FY19 Defense and Labor-Health and Human Services-Education Appropriations Acts. The Senate also cleared for the president’s signature the FY19 Defense Authorization Act, and the measure was signed into law on August 13. But the bill that includes NSF funding has gone nowhere.

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