
SAGE Ocean Speaker Series #3: How Technology Fails Us & What to Do
June 5, 2018

SAGE Ocean Speaker Series #3: How Technology Fails Us & What to Do

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How to Tell a Story in Your Research Paper
June 1, 2018

How to Tell a Story in Your Research Paper

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Celia Heyes on Cognitive Gadgets
Social Science Bites
June 1, 2018

Celia Heyes on Cognitive Gadgets

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Transforming Research into an Illustrated Abstract
May 31, 2018

Transforming Research into an Illustrated Abstract

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How to Design an Award-Winning Conference Poster

How to Design an Award-Winning Conference Poster

A good academic conference poster serves a dual purpose: it is both an effective networking tool and a way to communicate your research. But many academics fail to produce a truly visually arresting conference poster which make connections are lost. Tullio Rossi offers guidance on how to produce an outstanding conference poster.

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Political Scientist of Puerto Ricans: Angel Falcón, 1953-2018

Political Scientist of Puerto Ricans: Angel Falcón, 1953-2018

Political scientist and journalist Angelo Falcón, who brought a focus on Latino and specifically Puerto Rican political issues to the forefront of the academy through organizations like the Institute for Puerto Rican Policy and scholarly projects like the Latino National Political Survey, died on May 24.

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10 Reasons to Study Statistics

10 Reasons to Study Statistics

Professor of sociology and criminal justice, Ronet D. Bachman uses statistics and research methods to investigate topics in the fields of criminology and criminal justice. The knowledge gained can be applied to everyday life to help us become better students, citizens, critical thinkers, job applicants and decision makers.

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Learning About Cuba Through Cuban Eyes

Learning About Cuba Through Cuban Eyes

In the wake of him earning the UAA-SAGE Marilyn Gittell Award for Activist Scholars, we present Henry Louis Taylor, Jr.’s discussion of how he got involved in chronicling Cuba and what his time in Havana taught him about his home of Buffalo and about other American cities.

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How to Have the Best Possible Student-Supervisor Meeting

How to Have the Best Possible Student-Supervisor Meeting

Drawing on their new SAGE book for students and academics “How to be a Happy Academic,” Alex Clark and Bailey Sousa share strategies for successful student-supervisor meetings.

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Pair to Receive Economic Statistics’ Shiskin Award 

Pair to Receive Economic Statistics’ Shiskin Award 

Barry Bosworth, the Robert V. Roosa Chair in International Economics at the Brookings Institution, and Danny Pfeffermann, director of Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, will receive the 2018 Julius Shiskin Memorial Award for Economic Statistics.

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Behavioral Science Can Be Used to Win War with Fake News

Behavioral Science Can Be Used to Win War with Fake News

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently acknowledged his company’s responsibility in helping create the enormous amount of fake news that plagued the 2016 election – after earlier denials. Yet he offered no concrete details on what Facebook could do about it. Fortunately, there’s a way to fight fake news that already exists and has behavioral science on its side: the Pro-Truth Pledge project.

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Sweating the Small Stuff: It’s the Facets of Personality That Reveal Larger Truths

Sweating the Small Stuff: It’s the Facets of Personality That Reveal Larger Truths

One of the largest meta-analysis conducted in the social sciences: asks what the relationship is between who you are (i.e., personality), your work enjoyment (i.e., job satisfaction) and your happiness (i.e., life satisfaction) to find out whether we need to be happy at work to be happy life. That’s not all it found out.

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