
The ‘Odyssey’ of Today’s Leadership Crisis
April 25, 2018

The ‘Odyssey’ of Today’s Leadership Crisis

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Impact Still Helping Higher Education; But at What Cost?
Higher Education Reform
April 25, 2018

Impact Still Helping Higher Education; But at What Cost?

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Call for Nominations for the 2018 CASBS-SAGE Awards
April 25, 2018

Call for Nominations for the 2018 CASBS-SAGE Awards

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Audrey Verma: ‘A Clean-up Crew for the Messes and Excesses of Neoliberalism’
Higher Education Reform
April 24, 2018

Audrey Verma: ‘A Clean-up Crew for the Messes and Excesses of Neoliberalism’

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Announcing a New Series on Academic Capitalism

Announcing a New Series on Academic Capitalism

In the coming weeks, Social Science Space will publish a series of interviews on academic capitalism and academic resistance. These interviews pertain to the event “Between the discourse of ‘resilience’ and death by committee – Reclaiming collective spaces for academic resistance,” organised by the Early Career Forum of the British Sociological Association and hosted by Newcastle University.

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Humans Broke the Internet. Understanding Them Better Might Help Fix It

Humans Broke the Internet. Understanding Them Better Might Help Fix It

This stark contrast between the internet’s light and dark sides has become a defining characteristic of the digital age, writes Timo Hannay founder SchoolDash, but is not an inevitable consequence of the mostly innocuous technologies on which it’s built. Rather, it is the product of their bewilderingly diverse and eccentric user base – otherwise known as humanity.

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Facebook, SSRC Bravely Reinvigorate Research Collaboration

Facebook, SSRC Bravely Reinvigorate Research Collaboration

We spoke with social-science ethicists about how well Facebook’s initiative appears to protect users’ privacy. They’re skeptical, but still eager to see Facebook data studied.

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Five Principles of Science Communication

Five Principles of Science Communication

Effective communication is fundamental to increasing public understanding and for building the bridge between the public and the sciences. Suzi Spitzer outlines five principles of holistic science communication that can facilitate collaborative learning between scientists and the public.

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Post on Being Part of Resistance Wins ISA Online Award

Post on Being Part of Resistance Wins ISA Online Award

A post on the blog Political Violence at a Glance that gives a host of tips on how academics can be very political and yet not violence was judged to be the best in the international studies blogosphere last year.  Erica Chenoweth’s “When Engaged Scholarship Means Resistance”  was named Best Blog Post in the annual Duckies awards handed out on April 6 at the International Studies Association’s annual meeting.

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Archive, Therefore I Am

Archive, Therefore I Am

What is one’s legacy after a half century as an academic? Although it’s not his only legacy, our David Canter considers the ‘archive’ of surveys, old journals, letters and other reputed ‘data’ that makes up a paper simulacrum of the real David Canter.

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Data Systems & GovTech Apps Impacts Students Positively

Data Systems & GovTech Apps Impacts Students Positively

Current debates in higher education policy have drawn attention to the significant impacts of marketization, metrics, and performance management on the sector. Ben Williamson argues that a restructuring of the data infrastructure is shaping these HE trends.

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Science Advocates Ask Congress for Almost 9 Percent Increase in NSF Funding

Science Advocates Ask Congress for Almost 9 Percent Increase in NSF Funding

A group of professional organizations, universities, businesses, and scientific societies are thanking Congress for this year’s 4 percent increase in funding for the National Science Foundation — and wondering if they might double that next year.

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