
Sexual Harassment and Universities
December 22, 2017

Sexual Harassment and Universities

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Holiday Gift Idea: Hauser Fund Supports Bringing Evidence to Policy
December 20, 2017

Holiday Gift Idea: Hauser Fund Supports Bringing Evidence to Policy

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The Social Science of Holiday Marketing, er, Shopping
December 18, 2017

The Social Science of Holiday Marketing, er, Shopping

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Report Offers Guidelines for Ethics of Technology Design
International Debate
December 14, 2017

Report Offers Guidelines for Ethics of Technology Design

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Putting Big Data to Big Use

Putting Big Data to Big Use

The applications of big data provide a very mixed picture about its uses and abuses, in government, academe and private industry. And while where you stand on the net impact depends, as the cliche goes, on where you sit, a panel at the recent ESRC Festival of Social Science came out qualitatively optimistic about the future.

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Tinkering With Symptoms: Why Britain’s Debate About Vice Chancellors’ Salaries Is Misguided

Tinkering With Symptoms: Why Britain’s Debate About Vice Chancellors’ Salaries Is Misguided

The last few weeks have seen a growing public debate about the pay packages of Britain’s academic CEOs. The vice chancellors at a number of universities, including Birmingham, Bath, Bath Spa and others, have come under heavy pressure to justify salaries that far exceed £100,000, Oddly, all the arguments for and against this start with the assumption that universities are just like any other business.

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Washington and Social Science: Evidence-Based Policy Bill Advances

Washington and Social Science: Evidence-Based Policy Bill Advances

The House and Senate approved their respective versions of a tax reform package (the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act). The House also approved the Protecting Seniors Access to Medicare Act, the Community Health and Medical Professionals Improve Our Nation Act, and the 21st Century Flood Reform Act. The House and Senate also cleared the final House-Senate conference report to the fiscal year 2018 National Defense Authorization Act.

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No, Most NSF Grad Student Funding Does Not Go to Social and Behavioral Science

No, Most NSF Grad Student Funding Does Not Go to Social and Behavioral Science

The head of the House science committee falsely claimed the National Science Foundation funds “more than twice as many graduate students in the social and behavioral sciences as in computer science, mathematics or material science.”

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Archived Webinar: Understanding America’s Rural-Urban Interface

Archived Webinar: Understanding America’s Rural-Urban Interface

America’s rural-urban divide, it seems, has never been greater, a point reinforced by large geographic disparities in support for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. But it is also the case that big cities and rural communities are more tightly integrated than ever and are increasingly interdependent, both economically and socially. That was the starting point for a recent webinar which is archived here.

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Diversity: Good Intentions Aren’t Same as Evidence

Diversity: Good Intentions Aren’t Same as Evidence

You’d be forgiven for assuming a quick and sure way to multiply profits and amplify organizational success is to increase the gender and racial diversity of any group. According to mainstream media, the effects of gender and racial diversity are universally favorable. However, professor Alice Eagly states, “the truth is there’s no adequate scientific basis for these newsworthy assertions.”

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10 Commandments for Critical Thinking

10 Commandments for Critical Thinking

Sage 5290 Tools

In this collection of videos , Tom Chatfield eschews the biblical but embraces the practical as he gives specific guidance for training your brain to think critically. In a digital era delivering rivers of information awash in ‘fake news,’ the significance and sheer volume of this information make the question of how we engage with it a vital one.

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The Godfather of Black Psychology: Joseph White, 1932-2017

The Godfather of Black Psychology: Joseph White, 1932-2017

Joseph L. White, whose pioneering conceptual work earned him the title of “the godfather of black psychology,” died November 21 while traveling to be with family over the Thanksgiving holiday. The professor emeritus of psychology and psychiatry at the University of California Irvine was 84.

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