
Political Activism is Not Just for Youngsters
September 25, 2017

Political Activism is Not Just for Youngsters

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NSF Spotlights Social Science in Dealing with Disaster
September 21, 2017

NSF Spotlights Social Science in Dealing with Disaster

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Do Women Count in Economics?
September 20, 2017

Do Women Count in Economics?

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Nominations Sought for 2019 AAPSS’ Moynihan Prize
September 19, 2017

Nominations Sought for 2019 AAPSS’ Moynihan Prize

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Ig Nobel Aside, Our Gambling Research Was No Croc

Ig Nobel Aside, Our Gambling Research Was No Croc

On the surface studying how gamblers reacted to playing a poker machine while holding a live crocodile sounds, well, silly. But the goal — to learn how to get gamblers to say ‘when’ — is deadly serious business.

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Scholars or Cash Cows? What Role Will Foreign Students Play in Post-Brexit Britain?

Scholars or Cash Cows? What Role Will Foreign Students Play in Post-Brexit Britain?

Brexit and the concurrent increase in jingoism on the street raises questions about the extent to which British universities may continue to be an attractive choice for foreign students. What message should the UK broadcast on this issue?

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APA Seeks Papers on Nexus of Humans and Technology

APA Seeks Papers on Nexus of Humans and Technology

Researchers and Authors from a variety of fields have an opportunity to share their innovations with a called for papers at the Technology, Mind and Society conference. Authors topics should include but are not limited to artificial intelligence, robotics, mobile devices, and more. Share your innovations here.

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Revisiting Erica Frank’s 1996 Review of Peer Review

Revisiting Erica Frank’s 1996 Review of Peer Review

In 1996 Erica Frank wrote a series of editor-reviewer “ideal” communications. Revisiting these suggestions, Michael Blades, editor of the journal Applied Spectroscopy, explores if over two decades later the notion of the “still-imperfect art” of peer review remains the same today.

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Managing Universities: Dodging the Dead Cat

Managing Universities: Dodging the Dead Cat

Academics have been disengaged, disengaged themselves, or never been engaged with the challenges of working in, and for, very complex organizations, says our Robert Dingwall. Their distaste for administration in its various forms is a liability.

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To Know a Society, Know Its Crime

To Know a Society, Know Its Crime

“Crime is an integrated aspect of any culture.” David Canter reviews how crime influences a society’s actions and illustrates the broader social consequences that crime may have on the individuals in a particular culture.

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Shamit Saggar New Chair for Campaign for Social Science

Shamit Saggar New Chair for Campaign for Social Science

Shamit Saggar from the University of Essex has been appointed to be the new head of the UK’s Campaign for Social Science.

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Ioanna Palaiologou on Play

Ioanna Palaiologou on Play

In the Social Science Bites podcast, Ioanna Palaiologou and Dave Edmonds also talk about cultural differences in play and how it is a vital part of children’s emotional development. All work and no play, it seems, does more than make Jack a dull boy.

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