
Scientists vs Budget Cuts: Looking Back at the March for Science
Academic Funding
May 2, 2017

Scientists vs Budget Cuts: Looking Back at the March for Science

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Chris Grey on Organizations
Social Science Bites
May 1, 2017

Chris Grey on Organizations

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APA Honors Pedagogical Pundit Regan Gurung with Teaching Award
April 28, 2017

APA Honors Pedagogical Pundit Regan Gurung with Teaching Award

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New ‘Roadmap’ Shows Path to Better British Health
April 25, 2017

New ‘Roadmap’ Shows Path to Better British Health

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Fake News Reveals Truths About Our Digital Age

Fake News Reveals Truths About Our Digital Age

‘By looking more closely at how fake news moves and mobilizes people, we can develop a richer picture of not only how much it circulates where, but also why it circulates and how it resonates amongst different publics.’

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Intolerance Threatens Free Inquiry in India’s Universities

Intolerance Threatens Free Inquiry in India’s Universities

The only way out of the current state of tension for Indian universities, argues political scientists Aftab Alam, is for the institutions to learn to tolerate everything except intolerance.

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Making Sense of Society: Ruben Schneider

Making Sense of Society: Ruben Schneider

Ruben Schneider, who is ethnographically exploring the interactions of ‘global’ conservation alliances and local communities, describes his passion in this essay for the ESRC.

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New Think Tank Starts Policy Research Critique Series

New Think Tank Starts Policy Research Critique Series

Social Science Works, a new German-based international think tank, launches a product to assist decision makers in evaluating the quality of social science research.

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Some Champion Bloggers on the Role of Academic Blogs

Some Champion Bloggers on the Role of Academic Blogs

Several winners of an award that recognizes scholar-bloggers in international relations were asked to share their thoughts on blogging and what benefits it has for them and their field.

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Activist-Scholar Award Goes to Economist Samuel Myers Jr.

Activist-Scholar Award Goes to Economist Samuel Myers Jr.

The Urban Affairs Association will present this year’s Marilyn J. Gittell Activist Scholar Award to Samuel Myers Jr., an economist who has pioneered methods that prove the pervasiveness of inequality.

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Making Sense of Society: Caoimhe Ryan

Making Sense of Society: Caoimhe Ryan

In the wake of recent divisive political campaigns, argues Caoimhe Ryan in this essay, it is vital that we not lose sight of important examples of inclusion and support.

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Making Sense of Society: Ruth Puttick

Making Sense of Society: Ruth Puttick

Are we paying enough attention to ostensible philanthropy that influences what goes on in British schools? We should, argues Ruth Puttick in this essay.

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