
Honoring Two Unsung Heroes of the Federal Statistical System
April 10, 2017

Honoring Two Unsung Heroes of the Federal Statistical System

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‘Health of People’ Kickoff Calls Childhood Obesity ‘National Scandal’
April 7, 2017

‘Health of People’ Kickoff Calls Childhood Obesity ‘National Scandal’

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Washington and Social Science: News Bulletin
April 7, 2017

Washington and Social Science: News Bulletin

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Making Sense of Society: David Pollard
April 7, 2017

Making Sense of Society: David Pollard

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Unpacking the Ethics of Research on Sexual Assault

Unpacking the Ethics of Research on Sexual Assault

Why does it matter if research is ethical or not? And what steps could or should have been taken to ensure that issues such as those the Australian Human Rights Commission now faces — in a case related to well-intentioned research into sexual assault — are avoided?

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Making Sense of Society: Siobhan Maderson

Making Sense of Society: Siobhan Maderson

In developing wise policy, we ignore local environmental knowledge at our peril, writes Siobhan Maderson in her essay about the interaction of bees, beekeepers, and government.

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In Search of Conservative Sociology

In Search of Conservative Sociology

As sociology has drifted further and further from any conservative touchstones, argues Robert Dingwall, it has become less and less able to understand the society that provides its subsistence.

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Making Sense of Society: Vanessa Hughes

Making Sense of Society: Vanessa Hughes

Concepts of mobility, citizenship and belonging are morphing in a time of widespread immigration. In this essay, Vanessa Hughes uses the case of a specific London resident to explore these themes.

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Scott Atran on Sacred Values

Scott Atran on Sacred Values

In this Social Science Bites podcast, anthropologist Scott Atran describes how ‘sacred values’ prove remarkably immune to negotiation and can empower vicious terrorism or victorious revolution.

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Making Sense of Society: Sophie Hedges

Making Sense of Society: Sophie Hedges

In this short-listed essay from a competition sponsored by the ESRC, Sophie Hedges notes that norms about child labor are by no means universal.

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Health of People: Prevention and Behavior Change

Health of People: Prevention and Behavior Change

‘There isn’t one of the major health care conditions which isn’t related to human behavior,’ says Susan Michie,the chair of the Health of People working group. Which leads to a very obvious policy and practice conclusion …

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Academy of Social Sciences Confers Fellowships on 47

Academy of Social Sciences Confers Fellowships on 47

Britain’s Academy of Social Sciences announced today it has conferred the award of fellow on 47 leading social scientists, ranging from the […]

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