
A Parent of Evaluation: Daniel Stufflebeam, 1936-2017
August 4, 2017

A Parent of Evaluation: Daniel Stufflebeam, 1936-2017

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Greece’s Honest Statistician Pays Price for Ethics
August 3, 2017

Greece’s Honest Statistician Pays Price for Ethics

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Al Roth on Matching Markets
Social Science Bites
August 1, 2017

Al Roth on Matching Markets

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Washington and Social Science: Slowdown for Recess
Academic Funding
July 31, 2017

Washington and Social Science: Slowdown for Recess

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Has Social Science Made DARE Actually Work?

Has Social Science Made DARE Actually Work?

The US attorney general has been mocked for wanting to bring back a discredited drug-prevention program from the Reagan era. But have evidence-based researchers created a modern-day version that might actually perform as promised?

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UPDATE: Senate Request for NSF 2 Percent Below Current Year

UPDATE: Senate Request for NSF 2 Percent Below Current Year

The U.S. Senate Apropriations Committee calls for a National Science Foundation budget just a hair below what the House has asked for. Both houses’ requests are far above what the president has requested.

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Alan Krueger: Where Does Public Policy Fit in a Gig Economy?

Alan Krueger: Where Does Public Policy Fit in a Gig Economy?

American labor law and social programs were developed in an age where workers labored for a company and could plan to be there for years, if not a lifetime. The velocity of the gig economy’s expansion has left policymakers far behind, says economist Alan Kruger, and he’d like to bring them up to speed.

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Addressing Reproducibility in Archaeology: Our Three-Pronged Approach

Addressing Reproducibility in Archaeology: Our Three-Pronged Approach

Replication and reproducibility have been big issues in medicine and psychology and economics, but les talked about in fields like archaeology. Here, Ben Marwick and Zenobia Jacobs discuss their latest paper’s reproducibility strategy and its tactics during fieldwork, labwork and data analysis.

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Former Census Director Tapped to Head COPAFS

Former Census Director Tapped to Head COPAFS

The recently resigned head of the U.S. Census Bureau will head the umbrella organization that serves as an advocate and liaison to federal statistical organizations.

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House Considers Flat Budget for NSF

House Considers Flat Budget for NSF

Advocates want $8 billion for NSF, and President Trump wants less than $7 billion. House appropriators seem to be navigating a path through the middle.

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Reimagining the UK Sociology Curriculum: Internationalization, Decolonialization and Employability

Reimagining the UK Sociology Curriculum: Internationalization, Decolonialization and Employability

How well do sociology departments in the UK teach sociology that originated in the UK? Asking that surprisingly hard question may produce usable insights for academic Britain, argues our Robert Dingwall.

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What Do the 2017 Elections Mean for British Academia?

What Do the 2017 Elections Mean for British Academia?

Britain’s recent general election has been the first step towards a long-overdue public debate on the social consequences of austerity and growing socio-economic inequality. What does this sea change mean for British academia?

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