
Making Sense of Society: Alison Harper
March 30, 2017

Making Sense of Society: Alison Harper

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Making Sense of Society: Elo Luik
March 29, 2017

Making Sense of Society: Elo Luik

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Social Science and Health Service Delivery
Public Policy
March 28, 2017

Social Science and Health Service Delivery

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Making Sense of Society: Max Gallien
March 28, 2017

Making Sense of Society: Max Gallien

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Archived Webinar: Marijuana on the Mind – A Primer for Policymakers

Archived Webinar: Marijuana on the Mind – A Primer for Policymakers

‘Policy has clearly outpaced science’ in the United States on the issue of legalizing marijuana for either medical or recreational use, say two researchers from Harvard University and McLean Hospital

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Making Sense of Society: Lauren White

Making Sense of Society: Lauren White

In the second of a series of essays from ESRC-funded researchers, a young academic describes her examinations of how places such as toilets can be reflective of our practices of privacy and containment of our bodily excretions.

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Making Sense of Society: Wilhelmiina Toivo

Making Sense of Society: Wilhelmiina Toivo

Social Science Space will publish the winning essays, runners-up and eight shortlisted pieces from the most recent ESRC writing competition in the next few weeks, starting with “Once more, with feeling: life as bilingual,” an essay from psychologist Wilhelmiina Toivo at the University of Glasgow.

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‘Ethics Dumping’ and Research on Vulnerable Communities

‘Ethics Dumping’ and Research on Vulnerable Communities

When researchers from countries where regulation is well developed choose to conduct ethically dubious research in countries where regulation is not as strict, it is known as “ethics dumping.” When it happened to Africa’s San people, they responded.

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Three Views on Addressing the ‘Reproducibility Crisis’

Three Views on Addressing the ‘Reproducibility Crisis’

A survey by Nature found that 52 percent of researchers believed there was a ‘significant reproducibility crisis’ and 38 percent said there was a ‘slight crisis.’ Here, three experts give their views on the issue.

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Not What It Used to Be: Academic Capitalism and Sociological Futures in the UK

Not What It Used to Be: Academic Capitalism and Sociological Futures in the UK

Sociology today, argues our Daniek Nehring, is defined by a fundamental contradiction between its everyday labor practices and its imaginary ethos.

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NSF Escapes Attention in First Draft of Trump Budget

NSF Escapes Attention in First Draft of Trump Budget

The first swipe at a federal budget from the Donald Trump White House does not mention the National Science Foundation, which is the largest single funder of university-based social science in the United States.

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Whose Work Most Influenced You? A Social Science Bites Retrospective, Part 2

Whose Work Most Influenced You? A Social Science Bites Retrospective, Part 2

During the recording of every Social Science Bites podcast, the guest has been asked the following: Which piece of social science research has most inspired or most influenced you? And now, in honor of the 50th Bites podcast to air, journalist and interviewer David Edmonds has compiled those responses into three separate montages. The second appears here, with answers – presented alphabetically – from Bites’ guests ranging from Sarah Franklin to Angela MacRobbie.

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