
Who Will Challenge the Predators Now That Beall’s List is Gone?
January 24, 2017

Who Will Challenge the Predators Now That Beall’s List is Gone?

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Civic (Dis)Engagement
January 23, 2017

Civic (Dis)Engagement

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Book Review: Anthropologists in the Stock Exchange: A Financial History of Victorian Science
January 19, 2017

Book Review: Anthropologists in the Stock Exchange: A Financial History of Victorian Science

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Looking for Impact? Seek Feedback — Especially From Friends in High Places
January 17, 2017

Looking for Impact? Seek Feedback — Especially From Friends in High Places

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The Voice of Results Night: Anthony King, 1934-2017

The Voice of Results Night: Anthony King, 1934-2017

Anthony King, a political scientist whose career ranged from the most serious of scholarship to popular explanation on the BBC, has died at 82.

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Five Considerations for Any Policy to Measure Research Impact

Five Considerations for Any Policy to Measure Research Impact

An Australian directive to measure the engagement with and impact of academic research can itself by improved by applying new research.

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Please Sweat the Small Stuff (When Working for Student Success)

Please Sweat the Small Stuff (When Working for Student Success)

The turn-of-the-millennium mantra of ‘Don’t sweat the small stuff’ is exactly the wrong message for ensuring that American students both get to college and thrive once there, says a leading educational researcher.

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Archived Webinar: Who Decides What is a World-Class University?

Archived Webinar: Who Decides What is a World-Class University?

How do we decide what is a world-class university? Who decides? How do they decide? In this free webinar, the role of […]

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The Theorist of Liquid Realms: Zygmunt Bauman, 1925-2017

The Theorist of Liquid Realms: Zygmunt Bauman, 1925-2017

Zygmunt Bauman, a Polish-born sociologist and social theorist whose influential work examined the intertwined themes of globalization, consumerism and modernity, has died at age 91.

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Social Science Needs its Own Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Social Science Needs its Own Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Several recent high-profile incidents suggest that the confidentiality promises routinely made by social scientists have little in the way of legal support.

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President Signs Bill Setting Policy for NSF, NIST

President Signs Bill Setting Policy for NSF, NIST

Legislation that sets policy for the National Science Foundation has been signed by President Obama. The bill no longer includes funding restrictions on social science but does include language that has been used in the past to attack the disciplines.

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Book Review: Metric Power

Book Review: Metric Power

In Metric Power, David Beer examines the intensifying role that metrics play in our everyday lives, from healthcare provision to our interactions with friends and family, within the context of the so-termed data revolution. This is a book that illustrates our growing implication in, and arguable acquiescence to, an increasingly quantified world, but, Thomas Christie Williams asks, where do we locate resistance?

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