
Endel Tulving, 1927-2023: ‘The Memorist’ of Cognitive Psychology
November 7, 2023

Endel Tulving, 1927-2023: ‘The Memorist’ of Cognitive Psychology

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Shared Leadership: What Do Employees Think About It?
November 6, 2023

Shared Leadership: What Do Employees Think About It?

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Matchmaking Research to Policy: Introducing Britain’s Areas of Research Interest Database
November 2, 2023

Matchmaking Research to Policy: Introducing Britain’s Areas of Research Interest Database

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Watch The Lecture: The ‘E’ In Science Stands For Equity
November 1, 2023

Watch The Lecture: The ‘E’ In Science Stands For Equity

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Deborah Small on Charitable Giving

Deborah Small on Charitable Giving

In this Social Science Bites podcast, Deborah Small, the Adrian C. Israel Professor of Marketing at Yale University, details some of the thought processes and outcomes that research provides about charitable giving.

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Too Many ‘Gray Areas’ In Workplace Culture Fosters Racism And Discrimination

Too Many ‘Gray Areas’ In Workplace Culture Fosters Racism And Discrimination

The new president of the American Sociological Association spent more than 10 years interviewing over 200 Black workers in a variety of roles – from the gig economy to the C-suite. I found that many of the problems they face come down to organizational culture. Too often, companies elevate diversity as a concept but overlook the internal processes that disadvantage Black workers.

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Fake News, Misinformation Focus of New Microsite

Fake News, Misinformation Focus of New Microsite

A new Information Literacy Microsite from sage can be your new home for pressing research on the digital age and the ways to combat mis-, dis-, and misinformation.

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Our Academic-Industry ‘Research Sprints’ Can Solve Problems in 30 Days

Our Academic-Industry ‘Research Sprints’ Can Solve Problems in 30 Days

Inspired by ‘design sprints’ a Google where projects could create a prototype in five days, the authors started doing ‘research sprints’ in 2015.

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Berggruen Philosophy Prize Awarded to Sociologist Patricia Hill Collins

Berggruen Philosophy Prize Awarded to Sociologist Patricia Hill Collins

Patricia Hill Collins, a sociologist and social theorist whose work helped set the stage for theoretical examinations of intersectionality, especially for African-American women, was awarded the 2023 Berggruen Prize for Philosophy and Culture

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Political Studies Association Annual Lecture Offers Insight into UK 2024 General Election

Political Studies Association Annual Lecture Offers Insight into UK 2024 General Election

Kate Dommett, professor of digital politics at the University of Sheffield, and Sir John Curtice, senior research fellow at the National Centre for Social Research and professor of politics at the University of Strathclyde, plan to delve deep into the upcoming UK general election at the Political Studies Association’s annual lecture.

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Organized Creativity: Creative Processes and Constraints

Organized Creativity: Creative Processes and Constraints

Creativity is often associated with freedom, but creatives like songwriters must work within constraints as well. Sociologist and musician Tobias Theel discusses constraints and the creative process in his reflection on “Organizing Creativity With Constraints—Insights From Popular Music Songwriting Teams,” which was written with Jörg Sydow and recently published in the Journal of Management Inquiry (JMI).

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Top Five Takeaways from AOM on Business and Management in a Challenging World 

Top Five Takeaways from AOM on Business and Management in a Challenging World 

Some clear themes emerged across the divisions and sub-disciplines at the Academy of management annual meeting this year, which we’ve been reflecting on and refer to as our “Top 5” takeaway themes for business and management in 2023. 

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