
Please Sweat the Small Stuff (When Working for Student Success)
Higher Education Reform
January 12, 2017

Please Sweat the Small Stuff (When Working for Student Success)

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Archived Webinar: Who Decides What is a World-Class University?
Higher Education Reform
January 10, 2017

Archived Webinar: Who Decides What is a World-Class University?

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The Theorist of Liquid Realms: Zygmunt Bauman, 1925-2017
January 10, 2017

The Theorist of Liquid Realms: Zygmunt Bauman, 1925-2017

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Social Science Needs its Own Doctor-Patient Confidentiality
International Debate
January 10, 2017

Social Science Needs its Own Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

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President Signs Bill Setting Policy for NSF, NIST

President Signs Bill Setting Policy for NSF, NIST

Legislation that sets policy for the National Science Foundation has been signed by President Obama. The bill no longer includes funding restrictions on social science but does include language that has been used in the past to attack the disciplines.

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Book Review: Metric Power

Book Review: Metric Power

In Metric Power, David Beer examines the intensifying role that metrics play in our everyday lives, from healthcare provision to our interactions with friends and family, within the context of the so-termed data revolution. This is a book that illustrates our growing implication in, and arguable acquiescence to, an increasingly quantified world, but, Thomas Christie Williams asks, where do we locate resistance?

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Is the Concept of Race Science’s Biggest Mistake?

Is the Concept of Race Science’s Biggest Mistake?

There is a clear consensus among anthropologists that races aren’t real, that they don’t reflect biological reality, and that most anthropologists don’t believe there is a place for race categories in science.

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Research > Publication > Impact (You Might Need a Strategy for That)

Research > Publication > Impact (You Might Need a Strategy for That)

A publication strategy should include carefully-defined goals, a purposeful timeline, and actionable steps for proposing and writing the kinds of pieces large or small that allow others to access what we’ve learned, produce impact, and propel our careers forward.

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Early Career Paper Authors Sought for NIH Honor

Early Career Paper Authors Sought for NIH Honor

Ten years ago, the National Institute for Health’s Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) started an annual event to commemorate […]

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Sandy Pentland on Social Physics

Sandy Pentland on Social Physics

In this Social Science Bites podcast, MIT’s Sandy Pentland tells interviewer Dave Edmonds about the origins of social physics in the barren days before the advent of widespread good data and solid statistical methods and how it blossomed as both a field and for Pentland’s own research.

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Sociology’s (Selective) Diversity

Sociology’s (Selective) Diversity

Our Robert Dingwall reflects on Tinder’s in-house sociologist and on the just-announced New Year’s Honours list to question just how diverse are current understandings of diversity.

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Rapeglish: A Program that Spits Out Hate — For the Greater Good

Rapeglish: A Program that Spits Out Hate — For the Greater Good

A new computer program from the author of ‘Misogyny Online’ slices up and shuffles around an archive of sexualized vitriol, rape threats, and aggressive sleaze received by real-life women and presents its own version of what is called Rapeglish.

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