
How Much Do Campaigns (and Debates) Really Matter?
International Debate
September 26, 2016

How Much Do Campaigns (and Debates) Really Matter?

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Why Chan and Zuckerberg Cannot Cure All Diseases
September 26, 2016

Why Chan and Zuckerberg Cannot Cure All Diseases

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How Statistics Are Twisted to Obscure Public Understanding
Higher Education Reform
September 23, 2016

How Statistics Are Twisted to Obscure Public Understanding

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Making the Best of Brexit’s Impact on Science and Research
Academic Funding
September 22, 2016

Making the Best of Brexit’s Impact on Science and Research

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A Cautionary Tale in the Quest for Novelty

A Cautionary Tale in the Quest for Novelty

Novel breakthroughs in research can have a dramatic impact on scientific discovery but face some distinct disadvantages in getting wider recognition and are often cited as a plus in getting published. But new findings suggest an inherent bias in bibliometric measures against novel research.

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The Transformation of UK Higher Education Since 1968

The Transformation of UK Higher Education Since 1968

Since the heyday of the student movement in the late 1960s policy decisions in the United Kingdom have mostly pushed universities into neoliberal boxes that ill-fit the needs of students and the society at large, argues Hugo Radice.

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Recognition for Peer Review: Who’s Doing What?

Recognition for Peer Review: Who’s Doing What?

To help celebrate Peer Review Week 2016, the steering committee for the commemoration asked the 20+ organisations on the group to tell us how they #recognizereview and what more they hope to do in future. Their responses show a clear understanding of the importance of peer review and a firm commitment to supporting more recognition for review in future.

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Canadian Science Minister Funds More than 1,000 SSH Projects

Canadian Science Minister Funds More than 1,000 SSH Projects

Canada’s first-ever Minister of Science spends more than a billion dollars on science projects in a busy week.

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Indian Sociological Society Awards to Atal, Uberoi

Indian Sociological Society Awards to Atal, Uberoi

The Indian Sociological Society has honored Patricia Uberoi and Yogesh Atal with its 2016 ts Lifetime Achievement Awards.

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Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech Must be Protected and Respected

Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech Must be Protected and Respected

This is an extract from a speech made by Valerie Amos, director of the SOAS, for the Menzies Oration on Higher Education at the University of Melbourne on September 14.

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Best Evidence and the What Works Clearinghouse

Best Evidence and the What Works Clearinghouse

Jean Stockard and Tim Wood looked at the U.S. Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse and asked a very similar question – does this work? They found that the answer is often no, but that doesn’t have to be the case.

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Emotionalisation, Neoliberalism and Academic Freedom in US

Emotionalisation, Neoliberalism and Academic Freedom in US

The boundaries of academic freedom in the US have shifted, argues Sam Binkley. What is at stake now is not only the freedom to think, speak and generate knowledge, but the freedom, even the requirement that one becomes a certain kind of person in order to think and speak in certain kinds of ways.

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