
If We Scrap Tenure, What Would Replace It?
Higher Education Reform
July 1, 2016

If We Scrap Tenure, What Would Replace It?

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Reflecting on England’s Privatized Probation Two Years On
Public Policy
June 29, 2016

Reflecting on England’s Privatized Probation Two Years On

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Britain and Europe: Tragedy or Farce?
International Debate
June 29, 2016

Britain and Europe: Tragedy or Farce?

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Can We Replicate the Reported Crisis in Psychology?
International Debate
June 27, 2016

Can We Replicate the Reported Crisis in Psychology?

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The Sociology of Brexit

The Sociology of Brexit

Public conversations about Britain’s EU membership could have involved wide-ranging discussions of British and European politics, economics and society, argues our Daniel Nehring. They did not. Instead, they were dominated by oversimplifications, stereotypes and lies.

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After the Referendum – What Next for UK Social Science?

After the Referendum – What Next for UK Social Science?

in the wake of the leavers winning the Brexit vote, the British Academy of Social Sciences predicts uncertainty for the social science community, ‘with implications for research funding, international collaboration, freedom of movement, and capacity building.’

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Intrepid Explorers Leader Takes Top ESRC Impact Award

Intrepid Explorers Leader Takes Top ESRC Impact Award

A Ph.D. geography student from King’s College London whose efforts to share with the public stories of social science work and research in the field were both effective and inspiring has been named the 2016 Impact Champion by Britain’s Economic and Social Research Council.

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Extreme-Team Research: An Approach to Overcoming Research Obstacles

Extreme-Team Research: An Approach to Overcoming Research Obstacles

Researching the performance and management of extreme teams, which work in unconventional environments on high-risk tasks, presents a number of unique challenges […]

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Voters Demand Facts But Do They Want Them?

Voters Demand Facts But Do They Want Them?

Imagine a crystal ball that could provide us with graphs of levels of house prices, migration, the value of the pound, or the number of EU laws, from now into the far future, suggests Nick Chater about the results of the Brexit vote. He suspects this crystal ball would not help many voters come to any firm conclusions.

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The Role of Collaboration in Tourism Research

The Role of Collaboration in Tourism Research

[We’re pleased to welcome Gang Li of Deakin University. Gang recently published an article in Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research entitled […]

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Academics on Brexit: Phony War is Over

Academics on Brexit: Phony War is Over

A collection of academic articles from three journals published by SAGE examine the questions whirling around the Brexit vote. As Angus Armstrong and Jonathan Portes say, ‘The phony war is over!’

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Presidential Elections and Party Unity

Presidential Elections and Party Unity

As we head toward the 2016 nominating conventions, both presumptive nominees Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton face questions about their ability to unify their parties around their candidacies, both at the political elite level and the grass roots level.

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