
Boss Abuse and the Consequences of Subordinate Payback
Business and Management INK
May 26, 2016

Boss Abuse and the Consequences of Subordinate Payback

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How Organizational Fit Impacts Workplace Stress
Business and Management INK
May 25, 2016

How Organizational Fit Impacts Workplace Stress

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No Drama As 2017 Science Funding Bill Passes Key Committee Vote
Academic Funding
May 24, 2016

No Drama As 2017 Science Funding Bill Passes Key Committee Vote

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Moynihan Lecture: Follow the Evidence, Not the Ideology
May 24, 2016

Moynihan Lecture: Follow the Evidence, Not the Ideology

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How to Recover Customer Trust After Unsatisfactory Service

How to Recover Customer Trust After Unsatisfactory Service

[We’re pleased to welcome Kenny Basso of IMED Business School. Kenny recently published an article in Journal of Service Research, entitled “Trust […]

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How Coca-Cola Uses Social Media to Promote Corporate Social Initiatives

How Coca-Cola Uses Social Media to Promote Corporate Social Initiatives

What is the most effective way for companies to implement corporate social marketing (CSM)? In the Social Marketing Quarterly article “Examining Public Response to […]

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Harvesting the Opportunities in Psychology, Open Science and Government

Harvesting the Opportunities in Psychology, Open Science and Government

In this column from the Association for Psychological Science, David Yokum, a leader of the Obama administration’s Social and Behavioral Sciences Team, details what that nudge team has been doing.

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Sometimes a Nudge is as Good as a Wink

Sometimes a Nudge is as Good as a Wink

When it comes to many of the big decisions faced by governments – and the private sector – behavioral science has more to offer than simple nudges.

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Do New Sports Facilities Prompt New Business in Local Communities?

Do New Sports Facilities Prompt New Business in Local Communities?

How well do new sports facilities promote economic growth in a community? Recently published in the Journal of Sports Economics, the article “Do New Sports […]

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The UK’s HE Landscape in the Wake of ‘Knowledge Economy’

The UK’s HE Landscape in the Wake of ‘Knowledge Economy’

The new government report ‘Succeeding as a Knowledge Economy’ takes forward most of the ideas about improving teaching at Britain institutions of higher education already found in a green paper published in November 2015. So what does this new report tell us about the future?

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China’s Xi: More Social Science, But With More Socialism

China’s Xi: More Social Science, But With More Socialism

Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed the primacy of philosophy and social science in building a strong China, but he also said the disciplines must retain and enhance ‘Chinese characteristics’ like Marxism in the process.

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Understanding Vocational Education in Industrialized Countries

Understanding Vocational Education in Industrialized Countries

[We’re pleased to welcome Nuria Rodriguez-Planas. Nuria published an article in ILR Review in March  2015, entitled “A Road Map to Vocational […]

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