
Indian Entrepreneurship and Its Varied Manifestations: A Historical Perspective
Business and Management INK
May 5, 2016

Indian Entrepreneurship and Its Varied Manifestations: A Historical Perspective

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From Publication to the Public: Expanding your Research Beyond Academia
May 4, 2016

From Publication to the Public: Expanding your Research Beyond Academia

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What Does an Anthropologist Actually Do?
May 4, 2016

What Does an Anthropologist Actually Do?

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Do Consumers Avoid Genetically Modified Wines?
Business and Management INK
May 3, 2016

Do Consumers Avoid Genetically Modified Wines?

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Book Review: The Biological Foundations of Organizational Behavior

Book Review: The Biological Foundations of Organizational Behavior

Stephen Colarelli, Richard Arvey , eds.: The Biological Foundations of Organizational Behavior. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015. 364 pp. $120.00, hardcover. […]

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Does Sociology Still Matter in Britain?

Does Sociology Still Matter in Britain?

Daniel Nehring sees a fundamental contradiction between the critically engaged scholarship on social inequalities and power structures that British sociologists still produce and the thoroughly financialized, individualistic, and highly competitive organisational logics of the universities in which they work.

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Introducing the Journal of Workplace Rights!

Introducing the Journal of Workplace Rights!

[We’re pleased to welcome Joel Rudin. Joel is the Editor for the Journal of Workplace Rights, a SAGE Open journal that is […]

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Optimizing Performance Management Systems in the Energy Sector

Optimizing Performance Management Systems in the Energy Sector

[We’re pleased to welcome Rui Vieira of University of Amsterdam. Rui recently published an article in Organization & Environment, entitled “Aligning Strategy […]

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How the Myth of Meritocracy has Perpetuated Gender Inequality in Academia

How the Myth of Meritocracy has Perpetuated Gender Inequality in Academia

Despite claims to award university appointments based on meritocracy alone, gender inequality continues to impact the number of women in leadership positions […]

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Universities Need to Escape the Trap of Competition

Universities Need to Escape the Trap of Competition

There is a modern-day notion that competition will solve all problems, says Rajani Naidoo, and higher education can get trapped in a kind of magical thinking that makes a fetish out of competition.

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The Impact of Employee Experience on Productivity and Firm Innovation: A Study of Italy’s Slowdown

The Impact of Employee Experience on Productivity and Firm Innovation: A Study of Italy’s Slowdown

[We’re pleased to welcome Francesco Daveri and Maria Laura Parisi. Francesco and Maria recently published an article in ILR Review entitled “Experience, […]

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Social Networking Sites as an Emerging Organizational Form

Social Networking Sites as an Emerging Organizational Form

Because the landscape of the digital industry is always changing, its organizational structures have to be more malleable in form; the development […]

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