
Major Study Asks, What Academic Subject Pays Best?
Higher Education Reform
April 13, 2016

Major Study Asks, What Academic Subject Pays Best?

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Mindfulness Leads to Positive Outcomes at Work
Business and Management INK
April 13, 2016

Mindfulness Leads to Positive Outcomes at Work

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Celebrating Freedom of Expression
April 12, 2016

Celebrating Freedom of Expression

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Whitened Résumés: How Race and Diversity Impacts the Application Process
Business and Management INK
April 12, 2016

Whitened Résumés: How Race and Diversity Impacts the Application Process

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In Research, Engagement Is Not the Same As Impact

In Research, Engagement Is Not the Same As Impact

Sage 941 Impact

As governments seek practical metrics for determining if their research funding is money wisely spent, the quest for ‘impact’ takes on great importance. Drawing from the Australian experience, Stephen Taylor addresses several key measurement principles.

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CEOs Can Make Work Feel More Meaningful by Encouraging Innovation

CEOs Can Make Work Feel More Meaningful by Encouraging Innovation

How much impact does a CEO’s behavior have on employees’ perceptions of the meaningfulness of their work? A recent article published in Group […]

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Social Science Spending a Pawn in Budget Games

Social Science Spending a Pawn in Budget Games

In the White House’s budget on the table in Washington, D.C. right now, NSF, NIH and other U.S. government funders of social and behavioral science research have built in extra money for grants, Howard Silver explains how that money, much of it marked as ‘mandatory,’ is anything but.

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The Social Science of Tax Preparation Software

The Social Science of Tax Preparation Software

It’s that time of year again: tax-filing season. Millions of Americans are probably downloading the latest version of their tax preparation software […]

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What Can Leaders Learn from Rock Climbing?

What Can Leaders Learn from Rock Climbing?

[We’re pleased to welcome Diane Bischak and Jaana Woiceshyn. Diane and Jaana recently published an article entitled “Leadership Virtues Exposed: Ethical Leadership […]

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Redefining What It Means To Be An Adult

Redefining What It Means To Be An Adult

When does a modern young person become an ‘adult’? Age 13? 16? 18? 21? Legal definitions aside, young people in the developed world are feeling they’ve become independent operators much later in life than ever before.

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Pinterest as a Social Tool for the Classroom

Pinterest as a Social Tool for the Classroom

As a social media site, Pinterest has long been used as a tool for sharing planning, brainstorming, and inspiration. The site has […]

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REF 2014: Discipline Mattered in How Impact Calculated

REF 2014: Discipline Mattered in How Impact Calculated

A new report produced by the Digital Science team explores the types of evidence used to demonstrate impact in REF2014 and pulls together guidance from leading professionals on good practice.

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