
Social Science’s Mythbusters Look at Diversity
March 10, 2016

Social Science’s Mythbusters Look at Diversity

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Tourism as a Tool for Peace and Revitalization in Afghanistan
Business and Management INK
March 10, 2016

Tourism as a Tool for Peace and Revitalization in Afghanistan

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Scared Straight: Evidence Makes for Better Biosecurity Rules
March 9, 2016

Scared Straight: Evidence Makes for Better Biosecurity Rules

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Recipe for Success: Optimizing Sales Compensation with Pay Level and Pay Mix
Business and Management INK
March 9, 2016

Recipe for Success: Optimizing Sales Compensation with Pay Level and Pay Mix

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Fair Enough: How Managers Can Establish a Fair Identity

Fair Enough: How Managers Can Establish a Fair Identity

[We’re pleased to welcome Terri Scandura of University of Miami, who co-authored an article in Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies entitled […]

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#WomenAlsoKnowStuff (Even About Politics)

#WomenAlsoKnowStuff (Even About Politics)

Our goal, say the supporters of the #WomenAlsoKnowStuff database of female political scientists, is to amplify the voices of women in the discipline and in the public eye.

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Statistical Association Takes on Use, Abuse of P-values

Statistical Association Takes on Use, Abuse of P-values

Even as it insists it’s not really saying anything new, the American Statistical Association Board of Directors has laid down a marker in the debate over what constitutes “statistical significance.”

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The Stories We Tell, the Lives We Lead

The Stories We Tell, the Lives We Lead

Why does the Homeric of ‘violent’ seem so wedded to the term ‘street gang’? Criminologist Timothy Lauger answered that question in part in a an award-winning paper that looked at the stories gang members tell themselves.

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Emotion in Family Business and Entrepreneurship

Emotion in Family Business and Entrepreneurship

Family business and entrepreneurship are not often studied together, and yet both fields incorporate research on the impact of emotions. Research on emotion […]

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The Trajectory of Success in Hollywood: The Roller Coaster Careers of Film Directors

The Trajectory of Success in Hollywood: The Roller Coaster Careers of Film Directors

[We’re pleased to welcome Babis Mainemelis of The American College of Greece. Dr. Mainemelis recently published an article in Journal of Management […]

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Anything but Arbitrary: Actors and Outcomes of Employment Rights Arbitration

Anything but Arbitrary: Actors and Outcomes of Employment Rights Arbitration

What factors impact employment rights arbitration? Can the gender of the arbitrator effect the amount rewarded? Is their a correlation between employer-scale […]

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Academics Urged to Flip Their Academic Writing

Academics Urged to Flip Their Academic Writing

The most frequent advice from Kip Jones to participants was, “Flip it!” Er, make that, “Flip it!” –Kip Jones’ most frequent workshop advice.

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