
Good in Theory, Bad in Practice: Corporate Social Marketing in the Alcohol Industry
Business and Management INK
January 26, 2016

Good in Theory, Bad in Practice: Corporate Social Marketing in the Alcohol Industry

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Social Science Bites Makes Leap to Print
January 26, 2016

Social Science Bites Makes Leap to Print

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New Teaching Excellence Framework Shows the Power of Marketing
Higher Education Reform
January 25, 2016

New Teaching Excellence Framework Shows the Power of Marketing

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A New Method for Judging the Quality of Experiential Learning
Business and Management INK
January 25, 2016

A New Method for Judging the Quality of Experiential Learning

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Strategic Contracting and Negotiation Journal Seeks Top Paper

Strategic Contracting and Negotiation Journal Seeks Top Paper

The Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation, which launched last year as the official journal of the International Association for Contract and Commercial […]

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Pushing the Boundaries: Studying the Boundaryless Creative Careers of Film Directors

Pushing the Boundaries: Studying the Boundaryless Creative Careers of Film Directors

Creative careers can differ quite a bit from the average 9-to-5 desk job, but only some go so far as to defy […]

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Book Review: The Problem with Work

Book Review: The Problem with Work

The Problem with Work: Feminism, Marxism, Antiwork Politics, and Postwork Imaginaries. Kathi Weeks; Durham: Duke University Press, 2011, 304 pp., $23.95 ISBN […]

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Hands-free Technology is Not Enough to Prevent Distracted Driving

Hands-free Technology is Not Enough to Prevent Distracted Driving

Putting down your phone is merely the first step in banishing distractions while you drive, according to research in the journal ‘Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences.’ In fact, asking Siri to do something at a remove is pretty darned dangerous, too.

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Reviewing Family Firm Succession Literature with a Social Exchange Perspective

Reviewing Family Firm Succession Literature with a Social Exchange Perspective

[We’re pleased to welcome Joshua Daspit of Mississippi State University. Dr. Daspit recently published an article in Family Business Review with co-authors […]

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‘Death Where is Thy Sting?’

‘Death Where is Thy Sting?’

Our David Canter considers emerging studies of ‘social death.’

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Social Science’s Impact on Society, Circa 2065: Sam Miles

Social Science’s Impact on Society, Circa 2065: Sam Miles

Social Science Space is presenting 10 shortlisted essays written by young social scientists in an ESRC competition looking at how social science might change the world in the next half century. This week we present Sam Miles’ question of whether greater exposure to the cyberworld is creating a dystopia or a utopia.

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Timeline of US Government and Social/Behavioral Science

Timeline of US Government and Social/Behavioral Science

Vannevar Bush’s post-war review of American science priorities set the tone for the federal funding of social and behavioral science ever since.

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