
How Important is Self-Managing Leadership for Crisis Management?
Business and Management INK
December 28, 2015

How Important is Self-Managing Leadership for Crisis Management?

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Book Review: The Paradox of Generosity: Giving We Receive, Grasping We Lose
December 25, 2015

Book Review: The Paradox of Generosity: Giving We Receive, Grasping We Lose

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Celebrating Holiday Traditions From Around the World!
Business and Management INK
December 24, 2015

Celebrating Holiday Traditions From Around the World!

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Psychologist Bandura Awarded National Science Medal
December 23, 2015

Psychologist Bandura Awarded National Science Medal

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The January 2016 Issue of Journal of Management Inquiry is Now Online!

The January 2016 Issue of Journal of Management Inquiry is Now Online!

The January 2016 issue of Journal of Management Inquiry is now available and free to read for the next 30 days. This […]

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In the Rush to Metrics, Don’t Ignore Human Intuition

In the Rush to Metrics, Don’t Ignore Human Intuition

Sociologist Eric Giannella argues the uncertainty of science makes intuition and judgement essential, and yet the effect of metrics is to reduce the role of judgment. 

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Tackling Gender Stereotypes With the Power of Words

Tackling Gender Stereotypes With the Power of Words

Gendered language shapes how we think about the appropriate roles for men and women, especially when we are children and just beginning to form our understanding of the world. That might not sound like a problem, but it can reinforce stereotypes we are trying to tear down.

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Social Science’s Impact on Society, Circa 2065: Kristin Hübner

Social Science’s Impact on Society, Circa 2065: Kristin Hübner

Social Science Space is presenting 10 shortlisted essays written by young social scientists in an ESRC competition looking at how social science might change the world in the next half century. This week we present Kristin Hübner’s discussion on how feminist theory may erase socially constructed ideas about what gender is and how it functions.

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Book Review: A Social Strategy: How We Profit from Social Media

Book Review: A Social Strategy: How We Profit from Social Media

Mikolaj Piskorski: A Social Strategy: How We Profit from Social Media. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2014. 275 pp. $29.95, cloth. You […]

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Up-and-Coming: How Urbanization Sparks Entrepreneurship in Cities

Up-and-Coming: How Urbanization Sparks Entrepreneurship in Cities

[We’re pleased to welcome Boyd Derek Cohen and Pablo Muñoz. Dr. Derek and Dr. Muñoz recently published an article in Organization & Environment, […]

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Common Rule Revision – The Ethics Police Fight Back

Common Rule Revision – The Ethics Police Fight Back

Revisions to the U.S. government’s regulations on ethical treatment of human research subjects that would exempt some experiments from direct oversight by institutional review boards are facing pushback from paternalistic guardians, says our Robert Dingwall, who don’t seem to believe subjects are competent to make decisions on their own.

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All Eggs in a Few Baskets Doesn’t Work for Universities, Either

All Eggs in a Few Baskets Doesn’t Work for Universities, Either

The Russell Group argues that research funding should be concentrated in the most elite institutions, Two sociologists who have studied how Asian universities have fared in global rankings argue just the opposite.

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