
Round-up of Social Science Research
November 27, 2015

Round-up of Social Science Research

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Spending Review: Research Ringfence Holds, But Doesn’t Expand
Academic Funding
November 25, 2015

Spending Review: Research Ringfence Holds, But Doesn’t Expand

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James Wilsdon on the 2015 Spending Review
Academic Funding
November 25, 2015

James Wilsdon on the 2015 Spending Review

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Announcing the Winner of Public Finance Review’s Outstanding Paper Award of 2015
Business and Management INK
November 25, 2015

Announcing the Winner of Public Finance Review’s Outstanding Paper Award of 2015

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Sustainable Discovery and Google Scholar’s Comprehensive Coverage

Sustainable Discovery and Google Scholar’s Comprehensive Coverage

On the 11th anniversary of Google Scholar, Max Kemman provides an overview of the growth and impact of the platform and examines why Google Scholar is virtually unrivaled — and whether that’s a good thing or not.

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Campaign for Social Science Adds Board Members

Campaign for Social Science Adds Board Members

Britain’s Campaign for Social Science has added eight new members to its board, including the recent director of the Nuffield Foundation and […]

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The Value Added by Universities Exceeds Their Constituent Services

The Value Added by Universities Exceeds Their Constituent Services

Academics do not simply teach and do research: they are teacher-researchers, notes Steve Fuller. In reviewing the UK spending review, he says, it is the value added to society by nurturing this complex role that should be at the forefront of the state’s thinking about the criteria used to fund universities.

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Gather Classroom Data and Encourage Learning with the Attendance2 App

Gather Classroom Data and Encourage Learning with the Attendance2 App

[We’re pleased to welcome Cathy Finger of St. Mary’s College. Professor Finger published a review entitled “iOS Application, ‘Attendance2′” in the April 2015 issue […]

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10 Stories of Social Science’s Impact on Society, Circa 2065

10 Stories of Social Science’s Impact on Society, Circa 2065

Over the next 10 weeks Social Science Space will present the 10 shortlisted essays written by young social scientists look at how social science might change the world in the next half century. The overall winner was James Fletcher of King’s College London, whose essay “CITY Inc,” imagines what the London of 2065 will look like. His vision – a city transformed into a fifth state by the impact of social sciences and finance.

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Call for Mentors – International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development

Call for Mentors – International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development

The ISSBD Mentor Program is a service to provide an early-career scholar with informal mentoring by a mid-career or senior International Society […]

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Between the Public Good and Private Pursuits

Between the Public Good and Private Pursuits

We need more research that analyzes the relationship between university rankings, citation indexes, and academic publishers, argues Michelle L. Stack.

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Unequal to the Task: Task Segregation As a Mechanism of Inequality for Women at Work

Unequal to the Task: Task Segregation As a Mechanism of Inequality for Women at Work

Gender inequality studies have long focused on identifying the material disparities between men and women in the workforce, including researching the gender […]

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