
Is Work Autonomy an Important Factor for Employees’ Workplace Creativity?
Business and Management INK
November 12, 2015

Is Work Autonomy an Important Factor for Employees’ Workplace Creativity?

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Welcoming the American ‘Nudge Unit’
November 11, 2015

Welcoming the American ‘Nudge Unit’

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Social Science in the News
International Debate
November 11, 2015

Social Science in the News

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Food Banking and Hunger in the United States
Business and Management INK
November 11, 2015

Food Banking and Hunger in the United States

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There’s Life Beyond STEM: A Plea from Australia

There’s Life Beyond STEM: A Plea from Australia

Academia has long recognized that wicked problems require cross-disciplinary research approaches, yet Australia’s Science and Research Priorities enthrall mainly STEM researchers. This divide puts academia back into silos: those on the sunny side of funding decisions and those under a constant rain cloud.

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Improving STEM and Attracting Students through Cognitive Science

Improving STEM and Attracting Students through Cognitive Science

There’s a lot of handwringing over the STEM gap in US education, and new paper in the ‘Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences’ finds that how STEM is taught underlies some of the challenges. But cognitive science may offer some help

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Funny Business: Humor as a Leadership Tool

Funny Business: Humor as a Leadership Tool

Humor plays an important part in the workplace, particularly in the manager-subordinate relationship. With the right combination of humor style and leadership […]

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How Can Anthropology Bring a New Perspective to Corruption Research?

How Can Anthropology Bring a New Perspective to Corruption Research?

[We’re pleased to welcome Bertrand Venard of Audencia Nantes School of Management and Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Professor Venard recently published an […]

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Prewitt: Good Science Will Always Find Its Use

Prewitt: Good Science Will Always Find Its Use

In receiving the SAGE-CASBS Award, Ken Prewitt, a champion for scholarly knowledge, suggests there is no applied or basic science, only science in use and science soon to be used.

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Mixing Business and Ethics: How the Rotary Club Encouraged Ethical Business Practices

Mixing Business and Ethics: How the Rotary Club Encouraged Ethical Business Practices

Large corporations have long been the focus of corporate social  responsibility (CSR) studies. Such studies seem to support the separation thesis, which […]

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Deregulating Social Science Research Ethics – Clipping the Wings of IRBs?

Deregulating Social Science Research Ethics – Clipping the Wings of IRBs?

The Federal Register is surely not everybody’s bedtime reading. It is where the US Government formally publishes certain official documents, including advance […]

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A New Front in the Replication Wars: Economics

A New Front in the Replication Wars: Economics

A sense of crisis is developing in economics after two Federal Reserve economists came to the alarming conclusion that economics research is usually not replicable.

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