
How Can Mental Models Illuminate Decision-Making and Learning Processes?
Business and Management INK
November 5, 2015

How Can Mental Models Illuminate Decision-Making and Learning Processes?

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Contested Spaces: Infrastructural Citizenship in the City
November 4, 2015

Contested Spaces: Infrastructural Citizenship in the City

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Book Review: What Unions No Longer Do
November 4, 2015

Book Review: What Unions No Longer Do

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The National Interest and the NSF
Academic Funding
November 3, 2015

The National Interest and the NSF

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Diplomacy or Destroyers: Uncle Sam’s Freedom of Navigation Choice

Diplomacy or Destroyers: Uncle Sam’s Freedom of Navigation Choice

Amitai Etzioni argues that the U.S. shouldn’t automatically resort to the big stick when engaging in its self-imposed job as the world’s enforcer of freedom of navigation.

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How Do Customers and Companies Benefit from Service Firm Transparency?

How Do Customers and Companies Benefit from Service Firm Transparency?

[We’re pleased to welcome Andreas B. Eisengerich, who collaborated with Omar Merlo, Seigyoung Auh, and Hae Eun Helen Chun on their paper […]

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Organization and Environment Seeks New Editor

Organization and Environment Seeks New Editor

Organization & Environment invites applications for the position of Editor. The term of office is three years beginning January 1, 2017 with […]

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Round-up of Social Science Research

Round-up of Social Science Research

The following articles are drawn from SAGE Insight, which spotlights research published in SAGE’s more than 800 journals. The articles linked below are free […]

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The American Economist is Now Accepting Submissions!

The American Economist is Now Accepting Submissions!

You can now submit electronically to The American Economist through SAGE Track! As an official publication of Omicron Delta Epsilon, The International […]

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Statistical Champion Ken Prewitt Awarded by SAGE-CASBS

Statistical Champion Ken Prewitt Awarded by SAGE-CASBS

The former Census director and president of the Social Science Research Council will be honored at the 2015 Behavioral & Social Science Summit at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University.

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Why Would You Choose to Revisit a Dissatisfying Restaurant?

Why Would You Choose to Revisit a Dissatisfying Restaurant?

We’re pleased to welcome Dr. Gabriele Pizzi of the University of Bologna. Dr. Pizzi recently collaborated with Gian Luca Marzocchi, Chiara Orsingher […]

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Indigenous Education’s Checkered History in the U.S.

Indigenous Education’s Checkered History in the U.S.

As part of a lecture series that commemorates the historic school desegregation court case of Brown vs. The Topeka Board of Education, an expert in indigenous education reviewed the arc of education native Americans in public settings.

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