
What Connects English Language Testing, Tours and Education Markets?
October 27, 2015

What Connects English Language Testing, Tours and Education Markets?

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Charles Snow on the Evolution of Organizations
Business and Management INK
October 27, 2015

Charles Snow on the Evolution of Organizations

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Suffragette – More than a Feminist Movie
International Debate
October 26, 2015

Suffragette – More than a Feminist Movie

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Kim and Jensen (2011). How Product Order Affects Market Identity Repertoire Ordering in the US Opera Market
Business and Management INK
October 26, 2015

Kim and Jensen (2011). How Product Order Affects Market Identity Repertoire Ordering in the US Opera Market

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How Do Europeans Really Feel About Migrants?

How Do Europeans Really Feel About Migrants?

Given the angry images cascading off TV screens, it’s pretty clear that migrants aren’t welcome in Europe. Or are they? Three papers in a themed edition of the ‘International Journal of Comparative Sociology’ suggest a more nuanced answer.

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Compensation and Benefits Review is Now on SAGE Track!

Compensation and Benefits Review is Now on SAGE Track!

You can now submit to Compensation & Benefits Review electronically through SAGE Track! Compensation & Benefits Review publishes scholarly empirical, theoretical and review […]

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World Bank Unveils Its Own ‘Nudge Unit’

World Bank Unveils Its Own ‘Nudge Unit’

The Global Insights Initiative, with its intriguing acronym of GINI, will bring experimentation to the World Bank’s poverty-fighting efforts by incorporating behavioral and social science into its project design and evaluation.

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STM and HSS – the Great OA Divide

STM and HSS – the Great OA Divide

There is a divide in how academics from the humanities and social sciences view open access publishing compared to their colleagues in the science, technology and medical fields: HSS is notably more skittish about OA.

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In South Africa, OA is a Necessity, Not a Nicety

In South Africa, OA is a Necessity, Not a Nicety

Individual academics and institutions have driven the open access process in South Africa. This bottom-up approach has its merits, argue John Butler-Adam, Susan Veldsman and Ina Smith, but a push from the top is needed to ensure that the nation stays on track.

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A Deceptively Simple Strategy For Keeping Mentally Sharp In Late Life

A Deceptively Simple Strategy For Keeping Mentally Sharp In Late Life

Mankind has long been looking for a magic solution to staving off mental decline as we age. One solution examined in the new issue of the journal ‘Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences’ may be just in front of our reading glasses.

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Bridges for Transforming People and Cities: How extraordinary service communities cultivate human flourishing

Bridges for Transforming People and Cities: How extraordinary service communities cultivate human flourishing

Republished with permission. The original post was published on the Center for Services Leadership blog. *** By Christopher P. Blocker and Andrés Barrios […]

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Bringing Foundational Research in from the Cold

Bringing Foundational Research in from the Cold

Just as the ice on a frozen pond may prevent us from seeing the richness in the underlying water, so may the calcifications of the most recent research blind us to what classic theorists actually said and wrote. So argue three academics in a new article about the legacy of Kurt Lewin’s change management theory.

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