
Bridge-building Economist Angus Deaton Wins Nobel
October 12, 2015

Bridge-building Economist Angus Deaton Wins Nobel

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Payal Nangia Sharma on Empowering Leadership Research
Business and Management INK
October 12, 2015

Payal Nangia Sharma on Empowering Leadership Research

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Round-up of Social Science Research
October 9, 2015

Round-up of Social Science Research

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Building Metrics That Help, Not Hurt, Science
October 9, 2015

Building Metrics That Help, Not Hurt, Science

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New Podcast: Jean Twenge on Generational Attitudes on Women in the Workplace

New Podcast: Jean Twenge on Generational Attitudes on Women in the Workplace

Recently featured on CBS’s Sunday Morning, Jean Twenge is the author of the best-selling book Generation Me: Why Today’s Young Americans Are […]

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Bill That Seeks ‘National Interest’ Justifications for NSF Grants Advances

Bill That Seeks ‘National Interest’ Justifications for NSF Grants Advances

A bill that would require the National Science Foundation to justify, in writing, that every grant it makes is in the national interest and “worthy of federal funding” passed the science committee of the U.S. House of Representatives this morning.

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Discourse and the Politics of Fear

Discourse and the Politics of Fear

From the margins of the political landscape to its center, Ruth Wodak examines the trajectories of populist right-wing parties in Europe in order to understand and explain how they are transforming from fringe voices to persuasive political actors who set the agenda and frame media debates.

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Transformative Service Research: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Service and Well-being

Transformative Service Research: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Service and Well-being

Republished with permission. The original post was published on the Center for Services Leadership blog. *** Interview with Laurel Anderson and Amy […]

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How Adolescents See Adults Seeing Adolescents’ Texting

How Adolescents See Adults Seeing Adolescents’ Texting

The new volume of Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, entitled “Technology and Youth: Growing Up in a Digital World,” explores the […]

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Facing Ugly Truths: A Sense About Science Lecture

Facing Ugly Truths: A Sense About Science Lecture

Sense About Science’s Tracey Browne last week delivered ‘The Ugly Truth’ – an examination of “the need to encourage accountability and support scrutiny over research” to an audience of academics, researchers, policymakers and learned societies.

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Japan’s Ministry of Education Downsizing the Liberal Arts?

Japan’s Ministry of Education Downsizing the Liberal Arts?

Have japan’s national universities been ordered — or coerced — into dismantling their humanities and social science programs or not? Jeff Kingston of Temple University Japan walks us through an answer tangled up in patriotism, politics and the nation’s ailing academy.

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The Value of Peer Review: A View from Publons

The Value of Peer Review: A View from Publons

Andrew Preston of Publons argues that while the academic community does “a pretty good job of peer reviewing,” the process remains hampered by the 19th century technology used to manage the process.

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