
Congratulations to Group and Organization Management’s Outstanding Reviewers!
Business and Management INK
October 5, 2015

Congratulations to Group and Organization Management’s Outstanding Reviewers!

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Listen to the Latest Podcast from Human Resource Development Review!
Business and Management INK
October 2, 2015

Listen to the Latest Podcast from Human Resource Development Review!

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Shutdowns: The Misfire Next Time
Academic Funding
October 1, 2015

Shutdowns: The Misfire Next Time

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How to Create Lasting Change 
September 30, 2015

How to Create Lasting Change 

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How Has Retailing Evolved?

How Has Retailing Evolved?

From general stores to department stores and superstores, retailing has undergone significant changes in the past two centuries. In their article “The […]

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Reversing Academe’s Sometimes Perverse Incentives

Reversing Academe’s Sometimes Perverse Incentives

Peer review is a powerful tool for sussing out the truth, but it’s not all-powerful. We also need to develop ways to reward scientists who do make their publications, data and methodology open for even greater scrutiny.

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Two Social Scientists Awarded ‘Genius Grants’

Two Social Scientists Awarded ‘Genius Grants’

Economist Heidi Williams and urban sociologist Matthew Desmond were among 24 academics and artists winning prestigious MacArthur grants today.

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This Book About an Anthropologist Ought to Win the Man Booker

This Book About an Anthropologist Ought to Win the Man Booker

A corporate anthropologist is told to write a report that will “name what’s taking place right now” and is “the First and Last Word on our age.” And so we set the stage for what in turn David Rudrum argues is itself a zeitgeist-defining work.

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Sense About Science On the Value of Peer Review

Sense About Science On the Value of Peer Review

Peer Review Week begins today, a week to explore the role of peer review in addressing academic quality and rigor. Here, Sense About Science details why it feels it’s important to explain peer review to the wider world.

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William Davies on the Happiness Industry

William Davies on the Happiness Industry

‘I think that happiness is better than a lot of what the ‘happiness industry’ represents it as,’ Goldsmiths sociologist Will Davies tells interviewer David Edmonds in this Social Science Bites podcast.

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Are Authentic Leadership and Fairness Connected?

Are Authentic Leadership and Fairness Connected?

[We’re pleased to welcome Christa Kiersch of University of Wisconsin–La Crosse. Dr. Kiersch recently collaborated with Zinta S. Byrne of Colorado State […]

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How Does Organizational Design Influence the Risk-Taking Perceptions of Managers?

How Does Organizational Design Influence the Risk-Taking Perceptions of Managers?

[We’re pleased to welcome Devaki Rau of Northern Illinois University. Dr. Rau recently collaborated with Thorvald Haerem of BI Norwegian Business School […]

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