
National Science Board Seeks Nominations for Eight Seats
September 24, 2015

National Science Board Seeks Nominations for Eight Seats

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Evidence-Based Policy: The Challenges
September 24, 2015

Evidence-Based Policy: The Challenges

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Development Experts Seek Help from Social Scientists
September 23, 2015

Development Experts Seek Help from Social Scientists

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Data Sharing in Historical Perspective
September 23, 2015

Data Sharing in Historical Perspective

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Fostering Shared Leadership in Teams

Fostering Shared Leadership in Teams

[We’re pleased to welcome Amelie Grille of Braunschweig University of Technology. Dr. Grille recently published an article with Eva-Maria Schulte and Simone […]

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Book Review: Injustice: Why Social Inequality Still Persists

Book Review: Injustice: Why Social Inequality Still Persists

The revised edition of Danny Dorling’s book ‘Injustice: Why Social Inequality Still Persists,’ provides an analysis of contemporary issues and practices underpinning inequality and a concise interpretation of the main causes of the persistence of injustice in rich countries, together with possible solutions.

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Book Excerpt: Fareed Zakaria Defends Liberal Education

Book Excerpt: Fareed Zakaria Defends Liberal Education

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of SAGE at the New York Public Library last week, journalist and author Fareed Zakaria addressed the importance of the humanities and social science to society. Zakaria’s latest book, ‘In Defense of a Liberal Education,’ tackles those same themes in depth.

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How Sustainable is Sustainability Science?

How Sustainable is Sustainability Science?

Sustainability science must be integrated into society. We cannot begin to solve complex problems, argues Benjamin P. Warner, without working with the people most impacted by them.

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Congratulations to Family Business Review’s Outstanding Reviewer for 2015!

Congratulations to Family Business Review’s Outstanding Reviewer for 2015!

We’re pleased to congratulate Francesco Barbera, winner of Family Business Review‘s Outstanding Reviewer Award for 2015! Dr. Barbera graciously provided us with […]

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Taking a Closer Look at the Building Blocks of Psychological Contracts

Taking a Closer Look at the Building Blocks of Psychological Contracts

[We’re pleased to welcome Ultan P. Sherman of the University College Cork. Dr. Sherman recently collaborated with Michael J. Morley of the […]

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Looking at Affirmative Action in a New Light

Looking at Affirmative Action in a New Light

Stereotype threat occurs when an individual is afraid of confirming a negative stereotype about a group to which he or she belongs and, in a cruel irony, performs worse because of it. Research shows the phenomenon is real and can sabotage affirmative action.

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What’s Distinctive About Britain’s New Corporate Universities?

What’s Distinctive About Britain’s New Corporate Universities?

British universities are changing at rapid pace, notes Daniel Nehring in the first of a new series of article on the so-called corporate university. The consequences of these changes are cause of concern for many academics, who worry about their working conditions and the future of academic freedom.

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