
The Banality of Terrorism
International Debate
August 28, 2015

The Banality of Terrorism

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Did the REF Ultimately Measure Who Got Most Grant Money?
Academic Funding
August 28, 2015

Did the REF Ultimately Measure Who Got Most Grant Money?

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Family Business Review Seeks Proposals for Second Review Issue
Business and Management INK
August 28, 2015

Family Business Review Seeks Proposals for Second Review Issue

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We Found Only a Third of Top-Drawer Psych Studies Reliable
August 27, 2015

We Found Only a Third of Top-Drawer Psych Studies Reliable

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Life Itself is One Big Exercise of the Prisoner’s Dilemma

Life Itself is One Big Exercise of the Prisoner’s Dilemma

The professor whose use of the ‘prisoner’s dilemma’ in his class went viral here explains how that same piece of game theory can help bridge liberal and conservative differences.

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SSRC Offers 2016 Dissertation Development Fellowships

SSRC Offers 2016 Dissertation Development Fellowships

The Social Science Research Council’s Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship Program is an interdisciplinary training program that helps early-stage doctoral students in the […]

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Restoring Self-Worth Encourages Healthy Behaviors

Restoring Self-Worth Encourages Healthy Behaviors

How can we convince people to heed warning labels and other public health campaigns? A paper in the journal ‘Policy Insights from the Brain and Behavioral Sciences’ suggests we focus on self-affirmation.

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Become an Ask for Evidence Ambassador

Become an Ask for Evidence Ambassador

Sense About Science is recruiting six ambassadors to represent the Ask for Evidence campaign and give talks to different groups across society. […]

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A Primer for the Beginning Peer Reviewer

A Primer for the Beginning Peer Reviewer

The first time you’re asked to write a peer review, it can seem like confirmation that you are no longer an academic poseur but a real member of the club. Then the realization that you’ve never written a peer review sets in. Here are some tips on taking that initial step.

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How to Manage Salesforce Performance Measures? An Optimal Choice Between Behavior Versus Outcome Approaches

How to Manage Salesforce Performance Measures? An Optimal Choice Between Behavior Versus Outcome Approaches

[We’re pleased to welcome Pankaj M. Madhani of ICFAI Business School (IBS) in India. Dr. Madhani is the author of “Managing Salesforce […]

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Japan’s Education Ministry Says to Axe Social Science and Humanities

Japan’s Education Ministry Says to Axe Social Science and Humanities

Citing an aging population and concerns about economic competitiveness, Japan’s education ministry offers a drastic solution for the national universities: Get rid of social science and humanities departments, and do it now.

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Please Follow the Golden Rule for Peer Review

Please Follow the Golden Rule for Peer Review

Few peer reviewers are provided with any training or mentoring on how to undertake a review, and generally learn by doing. Sometimes, though, it’s hard to navigate the line between being both critical and supportive.

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