
Involving patients – or abandoning them?
August 11, 2023

Involving patients – or abandoning them?

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Survey Examines Global Status Of Political Science Profession
August 10, 2023

Survey Examines Global Status Of Political Science Profession

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Treating Corporate Social Responsibility as a Management Idea
Business and Management INK
August 10, 2023

Treating Corporate Social Responsibility as a Management Idea

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The UK Pandemic Inquiry – Missing the Point?
International Debate
August 9, 2023

The UK Pandemic Inquiry – Missing the Point?

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Seeking Policy Impact? Cite Your Evidence

Seeking Policy Impact? Cite Your Evidence

When communicating with a policymaker, especially one with whom you disagree, you want to stop them from discounting your opinion. One way to do this is by citing quality evidence to support your position.

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Consumer Acculturation within Cities as Sites of Consumption and Intercultural Interactions

Consumer Acculturation within Cities as Sites of Consumption and Intercultural Interactions

The author and his team’s findings showed that in a context in which the domination of anti-immigration and xenophobic discourses sharply divides the notions of the home (e.g. Iran) and the host (e.g. Germany) countries, the city can function as a bridge for immigrants to develop a sense of belonging to the hosting society.

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As We Evolve Science Policy We Must Vigilantly Assess Its Changes

As We Evolve Science Policy We Must Vigilantly Assess Its Changes

Considering a series of proposed policy changes by the National Institutes of Health, Micah Altman and Philip N. Cohen, argue they highlight wider systematic gaps in the evaluation of operational science policies and signal an urgent need to increase funding for metascience.

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Diverse Teams: When Differences Make a Difference

Diverse Teams: When Differences Make a Difference

This study extends our current understanding of team diversity and offers practical insights into managing diverse teams. It’s not just about differences, but also about how they are communicatively framed.

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Conscious Empathic AI in Service

Conscious Empathic AI in Service

Empathic consciousness in AI opens new horizons in service that puts the relationship between the machines and the humans in exciting and uncharted territories.

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Canadian Librarians Suggest Secondary Publishing Rights to Improve Public Access to Research

Canadian Librarians Suggest Secondary Publishing Rights to Improve Public Access to Research

The Canadian Federation of Library Associations recently proposed providing secondary publishing rights to academic authors in Canada.

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Trans-Atlantic Platform Seeks Proposals to Advance Democracy, Governance and Trust

Trans-Atlantic Platform Seeks Proposals to Advance Democracy, Governance and Trust

The Trans-Atlantic Platform for Social Sciences and Humanities has issued its fourth joint research call to produce research targeting societal issues related to the economy, politics and more while advancing democracy, governance and trust.

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Raffaella Sadun on Effective Management

Raffaella Sadun on Effective Management

While it seems intuitively obvious that good management is important to the success of an organization, perhaps that obvious point needs some evidence given how so many institutions seem to muddle through regardless. Enter Raffaela Sadun, the Charles E. Wilson Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School …

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